Page 15 of Mystic Mate

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She got in the SUV, started it up and drove away, glancing in the rearview mirror only to see Cullen give her a small wave.

Using her mobile phone, “Charlie? I had a little run-in with a nest of vampires in the ghost town. They’re in a cave and tunnel system under the hotel. I think you need to send a team to map it.”

“Are you all right, Salem? No one bit you?”

“I’m fine. I dusted a few and got out, but I lost my ATV.”

“I can requisition you another ATV. I can’t requisition another you. I’ll see if I can put together a team and get that done. Can you send me the coordinates?”

She found herself nodding even though no one could see her. “Just as soon as I get back to Kenai.”

“Anything else?”

“Not really…” she hedged. “Why do you ask?”

“We’ve been hearing some… well, interesting reports of the Shadow League people not being exactly human, but not vampire either.”

“I’ve been hearing something along those lines, a kind of hybrid.”

“Hybrid?” asked Charlie.

“Human with other animals. What I’ve heard is they can shift between their human form and their animal form.”

“That’s absurd and obscene.”

“I don’t agree with you, and if such creatures exist, we might want to see if they’ll work with us.” There was a long pause. It felt as if Charlie was deciding whether or not to tell her something. “Sir?”

Charlie inhaled deeply and sighed. “I don’t take back my previous statement, and I’m going to need you to keep this strictly between us, but the SPU is aware of the existence of shifters. We have no idea how widespread their existence is, but we do know there’s a criminal group operating out of Mystic River on Kodiak Island.”

“You’d like me to check it out unofficially?”

“That might be a great idea, but you need to be careful. We don’t know much, but what we do know isn’t good.”

If she was going to convince the SPU to work with Cullen and his people, she needed to start laying the groundwork now. “They can’t be all bad, Charlie. If they’re half-human, don’t you suppose there are good guys and bad guys amongst them, just like with us?”



Cullen watched her drive away. Every protective instinct in his being shouted at him to stop her, drag her home to Ghost Moon Manor and take her to mate, but given the fighting skills she’d displayed with the vampires and her weaponry, it might be better to take a little time. He would, however, get a detail to Kenai to keep an eye on her.

Fishing his phone out of his pocket, he called the manor house. “Shaw? It’s Cullen…”

“Like I don’t have caller ID?”

Cullen chuckled. “I need you to put together a detail and find a woman who’s living in or close to Kenai. Her name is Salem Hubbard. I want twenty-four-hour surveillance on her and her place.”

“No problem. Who is she?”

“She’s with the SPU.”

“So she’s a spook. Why are you interested in her?”

“Two reasons. One she’s been sent up here to investigate vampires, but if Colby is correct—and he usually is—there’s more to it than that.”

“And the other reason?”

“She’s my mate.”
