Page 16 of Mystic Mate

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“She’s your what?” asked Shaw incredulously.

“My mate.”

“Then why isn’t she here? Or at least there with you?”

“I’ve been asking myself the same question. Things are a bit complicated.”

“Does she know you’re a wolf?”

“She does. She’s also one hell of a vampire slayer. Tell the men to keep a respectful distance, but make sure she doesn’t get hurt.”

“Will do. Are you headed home?”

“I am. The rumors about a nest of vampires in the ghost town are true. We’re going to need to move against them. Salem and I had an altercation with them.”

“I take it no one got bit…”

“No, but that’s why I want Salem to have protection. She’s not ready to become one of us.”

“Does she know she’s your mate?”

“Let me see. Vampire fight, treacherous escape on an ATV, hike to the top of the ridge and then to her vehicle. We were a little busy; I haven’t had a chance to tell her. She did, however, invite me to meet to talk about working together.”

“Why not follow up with her?”

“I will, but I want to know what Colby knows about her. In any event, get the men up-to-speed, armed, and in place. If you can’t find a place to rent where they can keep their eyes on her, buy something.”

“Any idea how we find her?”

“Part of what I need to talk to Colby about. I planted the tracker you gave me on her. So hopefully by the time you get to Kenai, I’ll have an address.” Cullen hung up and dialed Colby.

“Cullen,” said the lynx-shifter.

“You were right about the vampires—there’s a whole nest of them up at the ghost town.”

“Any idea why or how large a nest?”

“I’ve got my men gearing up to take them out. Hopefully, we’ll find out why they’ve set up shop there before we eradicate them.”

“It might be nice to keep one alive to question.”

Cullen snorted. “You don’t know much about vampires, do you? They are impervious to pain, not susceptible to chemical coercion, and difficult to kill. So, I’m not inclined to try and take one alive. My plan is to go in there with flame throwers and take them out.”

“So, they can be killed with fire?

“Yes. It’s one of the ways they can be killed, but you have to make sure they aren’t able to put it out or get out of a piece of clothing that is alight. Sometimes they can escape, but it will leave a mark and may incapacitate them. You put them down with fire and then either take their heads or stake them.”

“Sounds like you have a plan.”

“I do, and the vampires aren’t really what I called about. I planted a tracker on the woman the SPU sent up here. I need to know where she lives, and I need you to link Shaw in on your surveillance. I am placing her under my protection.”

“A spook?” Colby laughed. “And you give me shit about Brie. Why would you do that?” There was a pause, and then he laughed harder. “Oh my god, she’s your fated mate, isn’t she?”

Cullen suppressed a growl, which somehow made Reynolds start laughing. “Yes, she is, and I’ll thank you to keep that information to yourself. My beta knows.”

“Does she?” asked Colby with glee.

“Not yet. Knock it off, Reynolds. This is serious. We ran into the vampires. There was a fight. I have to tell you that she’s one hell of a fighter. She dusted two of them herself—staked them right through the heart. But my mate is not your concern. I just want your help in keeping track of her.”
