Page 26 of Mystic Mate

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Cullen groaned. On the one hand the pack would thrive with the alpha, his mate and his beta having close ties to one another. On the other he had a sneaky suspicion that she would side with Shaw where Cullen’s safety was concerned. Cullen believed that leaders did just that—lead. He would not ask anyone to do something he was unwilling to do himself.

After breakfast, they adjourned to his study and sure enough, when Salem picked up the sphere and said, ‘Show me the way,’ the damn thing lit up, pointing to the ceiling which had an electronic star map superimposed on it.

“I never thought about talking to it,” she said with a sheepish grin.

“I wonder what would happen if you asked it to show you something specific?” asked Cullen.

“I don’t know. Should I try that?”

“Might be worth it.”

“Key off,” she said, and the sphere went dark.

“Show me the closest nest of vampires.” The sphere did nothing. “Show me the greatest danger.” Again, nothing. “Show me where I can do the most good.”

The sphere hummed and sent its light streaming to the ceiling, only it didn’t coordinate with anything on the map.

“Hang on,” said Salem, rushing over to her computer and shifting maps until one aligned with the lights perfectly. She took a screen shot of the map and fed the image into her computer. “I was doing this part by hand and with a calculator. Jinx downloaded an app on both my computer and my phone.”

“I suppose the two of them got along?” he asked Shaw.

“Like a house on fire,” answered Shaw.

“I’m doomed.”

“God, I hope not. To hear your pack talk, you’re the only thing standing between us and annihilation,” said Salem. “Of course, Shaw did admit they might be exaggerating your best points and minimizing the worst.”

“I have worst points?”

“Not according to Shaw. He says you get all whiney if you can’t find some uber expensive niche beer when you want a cold one.”

“I do not whine,” he said in as whiney a voice as he could and making them all laugh.

He liked the sound of her laughter. He also liked how well she had fallen in with his pack and the feelings seemed to be mutual.

“I know where that is,” said Shaw. “It’s up by the old mill that one of the Russian fur trading companies built by Ivanof Bay.”

“Did you bring any cold weather gear?” asked Cullen. “That’s fairly inhospitable country, but it might be a good place to hide if you’re vampires. They’re south of us. We’ll need to move in quietly.”

“Why not take the stealth chopper…”

“You have a helicopter with stealth capabilities?” she asked.

“We do. That is not something the SPU needs to know.”

Salem nodded. “Cool. Is it a gunship?”

Cullen rolled his eyes and Shaw laughed. “Yes, but we don’t say that. We say it is heavily armored and has weaponry.”

“Get a small contingent of men…” started Cullen.

“I don’t think we should go charging in there,” said Salem.

“Neither do I. I’m assuming any chance of you staying here is slim to none.”

“They’re not even that good,” Salem quipped.

“Then as I said, we’ll take a small contingent of men who will set down far enough away to not be detected. You and I will head in to see what’s what, but the men will be close enough to come in if we need them. The chopper will act as a backup for an emergency lift out.”
