Page 29 of Mystic Mate

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“They had to have had some kind of escape tunnels. I suspected as much when I saw the building layout,” responded Cullen. “Too much sunlight for vamps. You two,” he said pointing at two of his men. Go back to that file room and start grabbing files. If there are any computers, download what you can.”

“Why not just take the computers?”

“Because they could have bombs attached to them.”

“Good to know.”

“The rest of us will fan out and see if we can find an entrance into their tunnels. Salem, you stay with me.”

She looked like she was going to argue but stopped. “Back in the ghost town they used the basement. An old place like this has to have one.”

“Good thinking. Look for a basement entrance. Do not go down without us all together. Got it?”

His men acknowledged his orders. He headed towards the back, grateful that Salem seemed to be following. They found the door and Cullen called his men to him. Once they were assembled, they started down the stairs and were greeted with cries of relief. Salem must have found a light switch and turned it on. During the debrief he’d tell her why that hadn’t been a good idea, but for now they could see cells of prisoners.

“Thank god,” called one. “The ones holding us escaped through a tunnel dug out the back. It isn’t long and it leads to the river and boats.”

Cullen hit his radio. “There should be power boats heading down river.” He turned to the prisoner. “How many?”

“Guards? I counted ten.”

“Should be a couple of boats,” he said into the comm unit. “Take them out. No survivors.”

“Cullen, I thought you said Reynolds wanted one to question.”

“Fuck what Reynolds wants. I want to send a message. Besides I’m betting these people can tell us most of what we need to know.”

Cullen walked to the cell where the man was standing. “Cullen Manchester of the Ghost Moon Pack.”

“Mason Payne. I’m with the Resistance. We’d heard the League was amassing prisoners here, so Colby sent a small group of us…”

“Reynolds sent a group of fighters into my territory,” growled Cullen.

“Technically, the mill has never been considered part of our territory,” supplied Shaw.

“I don’t give a fuck about technicalities. That damned lynx-shifter should have asked for help.”

“To be perfectly blunt,” said Payne, “you’ve been pretty adamant that you and your pack didn’t want to have anything to do with the Resistance.”

“Well, he’s managed to pull me in now, hasn’t he? I’m going to punch that sonofabitch in the nose.”

“I know the feeling,” offered Payne.

Shaking his head, Cullen turned towards his men. “Let’s get these people out of here. See if we can find them food and drink.” He turned back to Payne. “Any wounded? How many of you are down here, and is anyone missing?”

“In order the order you asked, nothing serious. Me and my team got beat up when we first got captured but that was more than a week ago. There’s fifteen of us. And the only ones missing are the ones that ran when they realized they weren’t going to win.”

“Not vampires, I take it.”

“The vamps were here. We heard you rousted them out of the ghost town. But they left their human minions here to guard us.”

“All shifters?”

“Yes,” said Payne. “I’m a snow leopard and we’re a mixed bunch.”

“We’ll get you back to Ghost Moon Manor. Shaw, Let’s get these people out of here. Load the helo with whatever information we can gather and then as many of these people as it can carry. Get the other chopper airborne as well. We’ll hold down the fort here and return on the other chopper.”

“Some of us can shift and run,” offered Payne.
