Page 31 of Mystic Mate

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His cell phone rang. It was Colby.

“How are they doing?” he asked without preamble.

“We’re all fine; thanks for asking. I have my men tracking down those who were holding them hostage. My medical team is checking them out and they all seem to be in pretty good shape. Payne is anxious to get back to his mate and Otter Cove.”

“We’re happy to take as many as you need here at Windsong.”

“I thought I might send a group in our chopper. We have one of the Baihu Clan’s tigresses. She does not want to be returned to them. I was thinking maybe she would be safer with you.”

“Probably not a bad idea. Lucian is already snarling about his tigress. Probably best if we get her out before he has a good idea where she’s been and where she is,” said Colby, who for once was not joking.

“We also have a female snow leopard with the same issue—although Payne has said he can get her to a safe place.”

“We can accommodate all of the prisoners, so send as many as you like.”

“You’ve got a lot on your plate, so how about if we divide them? I’ll have them on their way in the morning.”

“You’re a good man, Cullen, even if you don’t want people to know it.”

Cullen chuckled. “Isn’t that a little like the pot calling the kettle black?”

“Probably. Any chance this has changed your mind about joining the Resistance?”

“I don’t know that this incident has, but Salem has certainly got me to thinking. My people, as well.”

“It’s funny, isn’t it, how your pack or clan just instinctively recognizes the mistress or lady of the manor?” said Colby. “And I don’t know about Salem, but Brie doesn’t even recognize it.”

“Nor does Salem, but then, she isn’t a shifter.”

“Not yet, anyway,” teased Colby. The man could be really annoying. “I’ll leave it to you as to who to send. Just know that we are grateful for your assistance. How did you find them, anyway?”

“Salem. She has a Celestial Key, and when she asked it where she could do the most good, it led her straight to the spot.”

“She talks to it?”

“That’s a newly discovered skill, but the key responds only to her. Nothing the rest of us try can make it do anything.”

“I don’t have to tell you that thing could tip the scale in our favor. Keep them both safe.”

“While there is breath in my body.”

After finishing his call with Colby, Cullen entered the dining area and joined his people, their guests, and his fated mate. Salem joined him, wrapping her arms around his and resting her head on his bicep.

“They’re doing amazing, don’t you think?” she asked.

“Indeed I do. Everything is settled here. Lettie made us some finger foods. I thought we might take that buggy ride. The pack can take care of things here. I don’t know about you, but I could use a little downtime.”

Salem thought for a minute and then smiled. “I think I’d like that.”

“Good. Then shall we?” he asked, proffering his arm.

“Yes, we shall,” she said, taking it and allowing him to escort her through the back, where they picked up a picnic basket and headed down to the stables.

Cullen enjoyed introducing her to the members of the pack who worked in the stables and to all the various horses. When the big, dapple-gray Percheron was hooked up to a lovely carriage, Cullen helped Salem into the cart, and they set out along the paths that crisscrossed and bordered the estate.

“He seems so calm,” she said.

“Sampson is an old hand at driving. We still do a lot of our fieldwork with the horses. Sampson has retired from laboring in the fields, but he wasn’t happy being retired. So now he’s my personal driving horse, which he seems to enjoy.”
