Page 51 of Mystic Mate

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“Not a chance. Never forget your mate is an alpha wolf. If I get naked with you in that shower, all I’m going to do is use the wall tile for leverage, lift you up, and impale you with my cock.”

She grinned at him. “Sounds good.”

He laughed. “I’ll remind you of that when you’ve transitioned and discover that you never get to shower alone.” He reached down and grabbed the hem of her sweater, drawing it over her head. “Let’s get you undressed.”

“Can I use one of your t-shirts? I’ve always wanted to do that, but was never with a guy whose t-shirt would be big enough to be comfy.”

“Well, you are now,” he said, helping her to stand so he could remove her pants. As she unhooked her bra, he grabbed a clean, V-necked t-shirt and helped her put it on before swinging her legs up into bed, helping her settle and kissing her forehead. “Do you want me to send someone to sit with you?”

“No. I’ll be fine. Just give me Mr. Pointy.”

“Only my mate would sleep with a stake and not a teddy bear,” he said, laughing.

“Why sleep with a teddy bear when you can have your own wolf-shifter?”

“Why, indeed,” he said, leaning over to kiss her. “You really are the most incredible she-wolf I have ever known.”

“Most men find me intimidating,” she said with the slightest hint of concern.

“Most men aren’t alpha wolf-shifters. Rest well, and know your pack is watching over you.”

Smiling, she closed her eyes, and Cullen could feel and see her drifting into a peaceful slumber. As he was going out of the room, one of the other she-wolves entered.

“I thought I’d sit with her until Lettie can come up.”

“Thank you. Have someone keep an eye on Lettie, and make sure she doesn’t exhaust herself. If any of you need anything I’m in my study, and Shaw is here, as well.”

“The mistress will be fine, alpha. Sometimes I think you forget I wasn’t born wolf either. My transition was like a pleasant dream. When I opened my eyes, I could feel the difference and I felt marvelous. Hungry, but fine.”

“You are right. I had forgotten that, like my mate, you found your way to us along a different path.”

She nodded. “Go on. She is pack, and we will care for her.”

Reluctantly he turned and went to join Colby, who was just returning from the kitchen. “Your Lettie has her staff well trained. They’re buzzing around in there making sure everyone is fed and made to feel welcome. One of the prisoners took a shower and then joined them. She said she wanted to help.”

“We’ll need to talk to her.”

The lynx-shifter smiled. “We will, indeed. I also think the one they called Alden bears some scrutiny.”

Cullen nodded. “I’ll have Jinx scan him.”

“Scan him?”

“Yes, she is very quietly and subtly, at my mate’s urging, scanning them for trackers and implants.”

They continued to speak with people, including another round with Alden. His answers seemed fine, and Jinx indicated there was no sign of any kind of tracking device.

As Alden got up to leave, Colby asked him, “So what can you tell me about the master?”

Cullen hadn’t heard the term before and wondered if Colby was referring to Abraham Strode.

“The fall of the lab in Reykjavik was a blow, but I overheard the vamps talking about an underground lab and transporting some of us up there.” He waited for a moment. “Is that all? I’d like to get something to eat.”

“You’re fine. Thank you for answering our questions. As I’m sure you know the Resistance is planning to go after them and will be launching a full-out assault.”

Alden left the room and Jinx entered. “I found a couple of tracking devices in the collars of some of their shirts. I don’t think they know they are there. But I got a weird hit from the guy who just left. I want to get closer to see what I can find.”

“Do you think the others are communicating with the vamps or the League?” asked Cullen.
