Page 5 of Wolf's Mate

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Nope, not doing this. She could overcome it. Fight it. She just needed time and space to figure it out. This isn’t what she wanted her life to become.

This is what he wanted. What they all wanted. Her to succumb to the prophecy, to the pull of this unfathomable sexual desire. She refused to believe that what she felt for Keir beyond the sensual haze of physical connection was a sense of belonging so big to deny that the moment he touched her there was no going backward.

Gah! There just had to be a logical way out of this. And when they got off this death trap in the sky, she’d grill him as long as it took to discover that solution, but she’d have to do it by avoiding looking directly into his eyes. There was something in his gaze that was dangerous and, if she didn’t know better, something magical.

The pilot had been able to outrun the storm and the plane ride had thankfully been uneventful. Keir bundled her into a truck that was waiting for them as soon as they landed. But their luck had run out. The snow picked up, and the temperature dropped further, sending Rhia into a full body shiver. She managed to fight the urge to get closer to him as his body radiated heat and comfort.

She settled for rubbing her arms and cranking the vents to full blast. “How did you find me?”

“Let’s just say my mother got tired of waiting. So she went against prophecy.”

“Wow, that takes some big balls.”

Keir chuckled. “Yeah, well, you haven’t met my mother. She and the Fates—well, let’s just say their feud goes way back. She likes nothing better than to tick them off. And my father, for that matter. It’s complicated.”

“Family always is. Sounds like our mothers could be two sides of the same coin.”

“Let’s just hope mine doesn’t pop in at the wrong moment.”

“Pop in? Who’s your mother, a god or something?” Rhia stared at the man who she should be grateful to for saving her from demons but instead she wanted to crawl in his lap and beg him to bury himself inside her, mark her while planting his seed in her womb and…. damn, was it getting hot in this truck? Was she suffering from dehydration induced illusions?

She’d noticed when they’d been on the plane from Vegas if her thoughts wandered to getting busy with the shifter, he responded physically to her discomfort. She took a peek at his lap and yup; he was sporting an erection that had been threatening to bust out since he rescued her. Another pool of warmth filled her abdomen and settled between her legs. She squirmed in her seat, searching for the kind of relief she suspected only he could provide. And when he drew in a deep breath and his chest rumbled, Rhia knew he’d scented her arousal.

Was she fighting a lost cause? Hell, she hadn’t been fighting very much at all. Had she wasted the last ten years in her refusal of him and a destiny she’d never had a chance of outrunning?


Rhia shifted towards him, need written all over her beautiful face. He chanced a quick scan down her body, noticing how her blouse had stretched tight across her chest, exposing the swell of her full breasts.

But when her arousal reached him, the call of the mating bond ratcheted up yet another notch. He greedily inhaled her tempting scent, and the itch to touch her, taste her, had him swerving to the side of the road.

Keir corrected the truck to stay on the snow packed road, then ran a hand through his hair to keep himself from reaching out and dragging her onto his lap. Not only did he have an epic case of blue balls, but his head was pounding from the constant whining and begging of his wolf.

He’d waited this long. He could handle another hour. Even as he attempted to settle the wolf, who’d yet to be silent in his demand for Keir to claim their mate, he forced himself to focus on the question she asked.

How much to tell her about his mother? And hell, about his father, who was an even harder sell. Keir attempted to remember how his eldest brother, Quinn, had explained it to his mate Britt, when he’d finally found her.

If Rhia had spent the last ten years avoiding the prophecy, there was no guarantee she knew anything beyond that he was her fated mate.

His mother had given him Rhia’s location. And thank the gods she had. When he’d seen the faces of the demons stalking her, he’d almost lost his shit. To finally have found her, then the potential of losing her in the same moment, would have sent him and his wolf over the edge. He wasn’t thrilled with having to thank his mother later for intervening, but it made him wonder how it would play out with the Fates. Crossing Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos was epically dangerous even for a goddess and yet his mother tempted their ire whenever it suited her needs.

“Keir, your mother who is she and what did she do to start a feud with The Fates? And I’m assuming when you say fates, you’re referring to the Fates from Greek mythology?”

Shit, did he really want to get into this as he was driving through a blizzard? Not really. Should he? Maybe. However, the possibility they’d been followed by demons in spite of the cold temps, amped his need to keep her safe until they accessed the portal that would take them to Scotland, find Gavin, the brother tasked with performing the brethren’s mating ceremony.

The information would further ensure her safety and she’d be less likely to fight him at every turn. It was an impossible decision to make as he navigated the icy road. Snow continued to fall heavily and the closer they came to his property, the harder it was to concentrate on both the winding road and his mate.

The uncomfortable silence finally got to him. “Okay, since you’re familiar with Greek mythology you’ve, uh, heard of Athena and?—”

“Wait, Athena, Goddess of War is your mother? Isn’t she also supposed to be the Virgin Goddess?”

Keir had never been confronted with the realities of his mother’s reputation before, since he and his brothers were the only ones who knew. And his mother was many things, untouched was not one of them. “That’s something you’ll need to ask my grandfather. But no, she gave birth to all six of us. And yes, there are things that have been kept secret from mankind, even other deities. After our birth, The Fates weaved the prophecy, and all our destines were written.”

Heavy on the “all our.” He didn’t want to beat a dead horse, but she had to realize as soon as he took her into his arms outside the casino, their fate was sealed—literally.

Should he be worried she’d gone silent again? Scanning the forest, his wolf chuffed in contentment, knowing it’d soon be able to run free. The shift would now come easier that Rhia was close. And once they made love, the next step in their bond would unlock and he’d be able to shift at will, not just in battle.

“This is not happening.” Rhia whispered.
