Page 6 of Wolf's Mate

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"I'm sorry, sweetheart. I know this may all seem like some type of weird fairy tale, considering you weren’t aware of certain information contained in the prophecy. Once we get home, I’ll explain the rest." It wasn’t lost on him that he didn’t say “his home.” It was their home. And he wanted her to be pleased with it.

"Look, I’m not your sweetheart. And I know this isn’t some fairy-tale and I’m no princess, so if you're expecting one, you'll be sorely disappointed."

So, his mate had a temper. Good. She’d need it in order to protect herself from the growing threat in the demon world. She had much to learn to keep herself safe.

"Well, I hate to disappoint you. But this is your life now, Rhia.” Instead of giving her time to argue, he continued. "And just so you know how serious this is, how valuable you are to me, to the prophecy, should you think to escape, the demons are still out there, one in particular, who will hunt you if you happen to make it outside the secure perimeter. And I can guarantee you that won’t happen."

Rhia shifted, then looked at him. "Why does everyone insist upon placing me in this prophecy? My mother, you, your mother.”

"What are you afraid of, Rhia?"

"I'm not afraid, I’m pissed. My whole life has been reduced to wishful thinking at this point." Balling her hands into fists, he watched as she flexed them opened and closed as they rested on her knees. He hated being the cause of her distress.

"If it helps, Athena advised me to give you time. Plus, your mother verified you carried the mark the night you ran off, even if I wasn’t able to see you, or it, in person."

“What mark?” Rhia asked. “I don’t have any marks on my body...Oh no, no, no…hell, no. You mean my odd-shaped pupil?"

"Yes, Rhia. The key-shaped pupil in your right eye. You and Britt both have it. As will the other females.”

Sparing a quick glance, Keir couldn’t help but feel regret for the shocked expression on her beautiful face.

“Every night since you ran from me, I see you in my visions. And I have a feeling it’s the same for you, right?”

Rhia didn’t respond, and he was at a loss how to further comfort her.

“Look, I realize this is a lot to process, Rhia. It’s not far now. Once we get settled, I’ll explain the rest.”


Rhia didn’t know if she wanted to cry or jump from the truck and run like hell. Neither option was appealing. She wasn’t a crier, plus she wasn’t dressed to trek through the Alaskan wilderness. Self-preservation kept her silent until Keir pulled up in front of the looming structure he called a lodge.

It looked more like an abandoned shack surrounded by snow-laden trees that could crash down any moment, flattening the structure.

“I know it doesn’t look breaking in. I promise the interior is modern and warm. And it’s your home now.” He looked down at her flats and jumped out of the truck, then skirted around the hood and opened her door.

“Those shoes are not practical for this terrain. I’ll carry you in.” He swept her into his arms before she could protest.

Still reeling from the truth of his words, Rhia tried to tamp down her warring emotions. Part of her wanted to scream in frustration while a much larger part wanted to give him whatever he asked of her.

Rhia wiggled against him, not used to being carried, but her movements were met with a low, rumbly growl that lit up all her nerve endings. She pushed away her reaction as best she could. Keir took the steps two at a time and that simple display of strength had her biting her lip to keep from sighing.

He set her in front of the weathered door, then swept a hand over the frame. With a loud click, the door popped open.

“After you.” Keir swept a hand toward the dark entry.

Keir held her gaze, a dare flashing in his unearthly green eyes that for a split second appeared silver.

She’d come this far without trying to run. Plus, her life in Vegas had been blown to bits by the dramatic exit in front of the casino. Not to mention with demons after her, she couldn’t afford to at least hear the rest of the story before making up her mind. Her decision had nothing to do with how he was making her feel or how he was trying to be empathetic.

Following him into the cabin, Keir pushed buttons located on the wall next to the door, lighting up the space.

As her eyes adjusted to the light, she gazed around the large room. Overstuffed, well-used black leather couches dominated the space. A roaring fireplace on the furthest wall beckoned her closer as a sudden chill overcame her. She spotted a wet bar against the far wall and was suddenly aware of how thirsty she was. "May I have a glass of water, please?"

“Of course. I’m going to whip us up a quick meal. I have a fully stocked freezer. Sit by the fire and take some time to settle in.” She watched as he opened the mini fridge and returned with a bottle of water. “I hope you like stew?”

The rumbling of her stomach answered for her. “Yes, thank you.” She took the water and had it half gone before he disappeared into what she presumed was the kitchen.

He hadn’t been lying when he said the interior would be vastly different than the outside of the cabin. Or lodge, as he’d called it earlier. Thick beams crisscrossed the elevated ceiling and large logs created the outer walls of the structure. It looked like every ski lodge represented in movies but homier. And it smelled like him.
