Page 2 of Not My Vampire

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I opened my eyes with a sudden sense of inexplicable dread. I quickly turned around in bed, but the only thing that welcomed me was an empty place by my side. I rewound the events from the previous night.

The noise. Adrian going out into the darkness to see what it was, although I myself was certain that it was nothing. But ever since the death of my sister and the betrayal of who I thought was my best friend, I didn’t trust the darkness. I knew that Adrian would always protect me. He had been the sole reason why I was able to sleep at night after those events. I felt a little guilty sending him out into the chilly night for probably nothing, but I needed him to confirm that everything was alright.

I propped myself up in bed, looking around. I blinked away all sleep, my gaze naturally seeking out his silhouette in the room. But the more I looked around, the more uneasy I felt. The feeling of foreboding washed over me, and the air seemed thick with tension for some reason, which I still couldn’t explain.

“Adrian?” I called out, my voice quivering with concern, but there was no response, only a haunting silence that reigned inside the room, hanging around me like a cobweb in an abandoned attic.

My fingers clutched at the silk sheets, expecting to hear his voice, but all I was greeted by was the sound of oppressive silence. I swung my legs over the edge of the bed, my bare feet sinking into the carpeted floor.

With cautious steps, I made my way towards the open balcony doors, the light, transparent curtains swaying gently in the morning breeze. A fresh scent of blooming roses from our garden reached me instantly, but it did little to soothe my worry. I gripped the railing tightly, clenching as if my life depended on it.

I was being silly. Adrian had probably just gotten up and went outside, or to have an early breakfast, or whatever it was men did when they couldn’t sleep early in the morning. It was all in my head. I knew it.

And yet, I couldn’t let go of that gnawing sensation that something was wrong. Or better yet, it would not let go of me.

I closed my eyes, inhaling deeply. Sometimes, the past came back to haunt me. I knew better than to allow it dominion over me, but at the same time, it was difficult not to pay attention to it, because your past is who you are now. The past and the present were forever intertwined, and nothing would ever sever that attachment.

While my heart still pounded with anxiety, I suddenly felt a pair of strong arms wrap around me from behind. I gasped in surprise and turned to see Adrian, his handsome face sporting a playful grin. His presence was like a balm to my unease, but the concern still lingered in my eyes.

“Adrian!” I exclaimed, my voice trembling with a mix of relief and lingering worry.

“Did you think it was someone else?” he grinned back at me, holding me close.

“No, of course not,” I shook my head, pressing my hands to his, almost in an effort to assure myself that it was really him, that he was really here. “I just…” I started, but I honestly didn’t know what to say. I didn’t have a reasonable explanation for my concern that seemed to take hold of me the moment I opened my eyes.

“Just what?” he asked, placing his chin on my shoulder.

I hesitated before speaking, but I knew that I could tell him anything. He was my confidante, my friend, my lover. My everything. I could tell him this, even though I knew it would probably sound silly.

“I thought something happened to you.” The words finally passed through the gate of my lips, and the moment they did so, I felt a strange, inexplicable shudder run through my entire body. Once again, it made no sense. He was here. Adrian was by my side, with his arms around me. And yet, I wasn’t appeased.

“What would happen to me?” he wondered aloud.

“I don’t know,” I continued, shrugging helplessly. “The noise from last night… I think it got to me.”

“It got into your dreams,” he nodded, speaking close to my ear, as we both gazed into the distance and the greenery that enveloped the countryside. “I told you when I came back that I found nothing. It was just the wind. Nothing else.”

“I know, I know,” I nodded again.

He leaned closer and kissed me on the cheek. “Are the dreams back?”

I knew which dreams he was referring to. Although it had been several years since it all happened, Adrian knew that I still held onto the blame for my sister’s death. He understood why I was feeling the way I did, and he never pushed me to simply accept the fact that it wasn’t my fault. That was always easier said than done. Strange how usually the people who would advise such things were the ones who had absolutely no idea what that advice truly meant, or how painful it truly was.

That was when the dreams started. Dreams… a better word would be nightmares. But how could I refer to them as nightmares when they allowed me to see my sister smiling once again, when they allowed me to embrace her, to feel her in my arms? I guess it was the pain that made them nightmares. The joy, as well. Because waking up always felt painful, with that anguishing reminder that she was gone, never to return again.

“No,” I replied. It was the truth. I hadn’t had one of those dreams in weeks. That didn’t mean that I was forgetting about what happened. I was hoping that it meant I was finally coming to terms with it, along with the help of my loving husband and our beautiful daughter.

“You know you can tell me if they are,” he whispered again, in that soothing voice of his, and slowly, I was becoming less apprehensive now.

“It’s all in my mind,” I smiled, leaning back into his embrace and closing my eyes. “Just like you said. It just… felt so real. I thought you were gone, that something horrible happened to you… or… would happen.” I suddenly added that last part, as if something awakened in me, something with knowledge beyond the physical world.

I could feel him stroking my hair, his lips brushing against my ear as he whispered. “I promise, it was just a dream. I’m here, and I’m not going anywhere.”

His words eased the lingering unease, and I closed my eyes for one blissful moment, grateful for his comforting presence. With Adrian’s strong arms wrapped securely around me, I turned my attention toward the garden visible through the open balcony doors. The morning sun had risen higher in the sky, casting a warm, golden glow upon the lush greenery that stretched out before us.

My eyes traced the delicate petals of the vibrant flowers that adorned the meticulously manicured garden beds. The gentle breeze whispered through the leaves of the towering trees, creating a soothing symphony of rustling branches. Birds chirped merrily, adding their melodies to the tranquil ambiance.

As I gazed out at this serene picture, I felt the tension slowly melting away. Adrian’s comforting presence, like a shield against my fears, allowed me to drink in the beauty of the garden and find solace in its peaceful embrace. The vibrant colors and the harmony of nature worked their magic, calming the lingering unease from my dream.
