Page 43 of Stalemate

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“Vance will come through,” I say, more to convince myself than the others. We need that belief if we’re going to outrun the darkness that hunts us. We need to trust that somewhere in this twisted cityscape, salvation waits, ready to pull us from the jaws of the beast.

For now, we run.

Chapter eighteen


We hit the ground running, the crunch of gravel under our boots echoing in the still air. Celestial Hills looms ahead, its once manicured lawns now a wild tangle of survival and defiance. I hear Oberon’s breaths come fast and steady beside me–we’re deep in Angels’ territory now, and I know we should be safe…but it doesn’t feel that way at all.

The Eclipse aren’t going to stop because of turf.

They want Aisling and Cassie, and they won’t stop until they have them in their clutches.

“Shit,” Cassie hisses as she skids to a stop, her gaze locked on something ahead. “Friendly?”

I squint into the distance, and I see what she’s talking about—a whole host of SUV’s blocking our way, and the flash of a sniper rifle from the window of a nearby ruined house. This is an old neighborhood peppered with ancient mansions, wrecked and abandoned during the Great Mutation.

But they’re crawling all over the place.

And on the other side of them…

Vance’s people.

On their way.

The new war is starting right here and now.

“Looks like we’re not sneaking past,” Oberon growls, the sound rumbling from his chest.

“Never was good at tiptoeing anyway,” I quip. I look over at Aisling and see that she’s already drawn her weapon. I know I have nothing to worry about with her; she’s tough. Cassie, on the other hand…

“I’ll cover Cassie,” Roman says. “Let’s move.”

We fan out, instinctively forming a line of defense as we approach the broken splendor of the mansion. There’s no way we can get around their cars, but we may be able to fight through one of these houses. We just have to break through to the other side, where the Angels are waiting.

Aisling’s hand brushes mine, a silent vow passing between us, and I meet her bright eyes.

We’re ready for a fight.

We have no other choice.

The tension in the air crackles like electricity as we inch closer to the barricade of SUVs. The sound of our footsteps is drowned out by the pounding of my heart, each beat a reminder of the stakes of our mission. As we reach the closest house, I signal for everyone to huddle up for a quick plan.

“We need distractions,” Oberon suggests. “I can draw their fire while you guys make a run for it.”

Aisling shakes her head. “No way. We stick together. Vance’s people will be here soon; we just need to hold out until then.”

Cassie glances nervously at the looming mansion before turning to Roman, her eyes wide with unspoken fear. “I’ve never been in a real fight before,” she admits softly.

“You’ll be fine,” Roman assures her, giving her hand a reassuring squeeze. “Stick close to me and follow my lead. I won’t let anything happen to you.”

“Alright, here’s the plan,” I say, my voice steady and firm. “Aisling and I will take point. Oberon, you provide cover fire. Roman, protect Cassie at all costs. We make a run for it through that house and come out swinging on the other side.”

Cassie inhales sharply. “I’m really fucking scared.”

“We’ve all got your back,” Aisling says. “Remember? I’m the Stargazer and I’m going to protect you.”

With tension thick in the air, we exchange one last look filled with determination. The plan is set, and we know what we have to do. As Aisling and I take the lead, our hearts pounding in sync with each other’s, we dash towards the decrepit mansion. The shattered windows loom like dark eyes watching our every move.
