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“A few things.” She gulped as he traced her mouth with the rough pad of his thumb, leaving little sparks on her skin. “One of which we haven’t done yet.”

“And what’s that?” Of course he would make her say it, filthy Darien.

“You said you wanted to fuck my mouth.”

That smile spread into an unholy grin. “I said that, did I?” His voice was as dark as his stare.

Loren wet her lips. “I love it when you look at me like that.” When Darien’s brow flickered with a question, Loren explained, “You look at me like I’m made of gold.”

“You’re worth far more than gold to me, Loren.” He bopped her nose with a finger, and then he pulled his shirt over his head and dropped it to the floor beside him.

And suddenly, there was a lump in her throat. Her heart kicked into a sprint as she took in the new tattoos on his broad chest…the shadows dipping between his sculpted abdominal muscles…the grooves that ran alongside his hips, forming a V that disappeared beneath his jeans…

Darien’s hearing must’ve picked up on her racing heart, because he asked her, “Have you ever done this before?”

A grimace flickered across her face before she could stop it. “Once,” she admitted. “And I regretted it the moment I started.”

“We don’t have to talk about it.”

“I was eighteen. I thought I liked him, but…I realized how wrong I was after that night. He ended up telling everyone in the whole school, like I was a trophy he’d won.”

When she peeked up at him, she saw that his eyes were hard, his jaw clenched tight. “Want to give me a name and an address and I’ll pay a visit to his door?”

“Tempting, but maybe another day.” She reached for his belt buckle.

“Give me the time and place, and I’ll be there.” A pause that was loaded with emotion spread between them. “If you need me to stop at any point, you tell me. Promise?”


With a flutter in her chest that was echoed by her stomach, she undid his belt and pushed his jeans and boxers down, his cock already stiff. Standing at nearly six and a half feet, he was a wall of solid muscle, looming over her like a shadow of death. She had to admit she was a little intimidated and a lot turned on.

Taking his thick cock into one hand, she ran the other up his powerful thigh, feeling the hard muscle beneath tattooed skin. Rising up on her knees, she pressed her lips to the space below his navel, the gesture causing his hand to come around the back of her head, where it gripped a fistful of her hair.

As she stroked the length of his cock, she pressed another kiss to his body, even lower this time, gliding the tip of her tongue down one of those muscular grooves that ran alongside his hips. His cock twitched as her mouth descended, her tongue nearing it with every soft kiss.

“You’re a little tease, aren’t you?” His breathing was already labored, his voice low and rough as gravel. The sound of it made her wet, her underwear instantly soaking.

She pressed another kiss to his body, looking up at him as she did it.

“You drove me crazy for months, did you know that?” That sexy voice was somehow deeper than it had been a moment ago. Rougher. “I wanted to fuck your pretty mouth so badly, it kept me up at night.”

“How soon?” she asked, wetting her lips. She was so drunk off him, she barely understood her own question. She stroked his cock, and it twitched again in her grip. She clarified, “How soon after you met me?”

“Rook and Redding’s.” Oh god. She pressed her thighs together, a pulse forming between them from the memory of that day—and the realization that she wasn’t the only one who’d secretly fantasized about this so early in their relationship. Darien added, “Since the moment you sat across from me and acted like a naughty girl, getting under my skin like that. I wanted to spank you for talking back to me.” His index finger went to her lower lip. “But more than that, I wanted in here.”

Loren’s voice came out breathy, her desire to please him quickening the pulse between her legs. “I want you to show me,” she dared, biting her lip as she looked up at him. “I want you to fuck my mouth the way you imagined fucking it.” As fast as he wanted. As rough as he wanted. Hard and deep, just like he’d promised her at the club. No holding back.

Darien’s eyes blazed like fire. He tapped her mouth with the finger that was still pressed against it. “Show me what that pretty tongue feels like, and then I’m going to fuck your mouth till you’re crying.”

Heart hammering in her chest, her need for him crackling in the air between them, she did as she was told, tasting him from his base to his tip, her piercing rubbing along his impressive length.

“Fuck, that feels good.” His hand tightened in her hair, and a groan rumbled through his chest.

Knowing full well what she was doing to him, she swirled her tongue around the tip of his cock, tasting a bead of his cum. The feeling made him grip her hair to the point of pain.

The look in his eyes darkened in a way that had nothing to do with the Sight, the intensity in that stare making her heart stumble and her toes curl against the floor. “If you keep teasing me like this,” Darien said, “I’m going to have to pin you down on the bed and fuck you till you can’t walk.”

She gave him a naughty smile—and then she began.
