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Talk about a plan coming together.

As soon as I got home from Giancarlo's house I got onto the forum and added more to Stella's contract. The influx of interest is amazing. Within twelve hours I had three new solid leads to follow up on. All of which point to Stella being in Virginia. According to the assassin in the forums that was the last place anyone had seen her.

Of course, that's where most of the information dropped off. The ones that had it didn't want to give much more away. They were already on their way to find her. So was I.

The entire eight-hour trip to Virginia, I'm giddy with excitement. Not so much because I'm about to end this but because I get to see her again. I wonder if she's as beautiful as I remember. Did she let the drugs take over? Maybe that's why it's been so hard for anyone to get an ID on her. I've seen people look completely different after just a few months on some hard drugs.

Either way, my face will be the last one she'll see before she dies. I feel a deep-seated calmness take over me at that thought. The obsession that I had for her in the past comes roaring back to life after all this time.

I'll find her by tonight, I've got no doubt about that.

She'll be in my arms one last time, and I'll be with her as she takes her last breath.

Sweet Stella, how I can't wait to see you again.

* * *

By two in the afternoon, I'm already walking around some of the back streets of Disputana. It's a small town in the back end of Virginia. One I'd never think about looking for her in. Of course she'd be hiding where no one knows her, where most of the houses are either run down or overrun with tenants. It's not the most affluent neighborhood but the people here look more than happy among themselves.

I wonder how happy they'd be to know they had an assassin in their midst. More than one if the chat rooms could be believed. Apparently there was already another player in the area waiting to take out my girl.

I couldn't allow that.

Making sure to keep a low profile, I walk along the outskirts of town. The dirt roads dust my usually shined combat boots as I make my way toward the hospital. So far I've got no real lead on where exactly in town Stella lives but last I heard she worked near the hospital as did most of the town. It wasn't very big so most of the people either commuted out or worked there.

Not only do I have to keep an eye out for her but I also need to keep an eye out for anyone else who would dare cross me. I didn't let anyone else in the forums know that I was in the area as well. Figured it'd be better to keep it a surprise. Nothing like hearing the last gasp of someone who had no idea they were going to die today.

A sharp giggle captures my attention and a little boy kicks a dirty soccer ball in my direction. I dodged out of the way not even bothering to help stop the rolling object before it dropped down into a ditch. He shot me a dirty look before he continued to chase after the ball. It doesn't bother me at all, it's better the little tyke learn a valuable lesson.

No one gives a fuck about helping you unless it benefits them.

Shoving my hands into my pockets I make my way to a small diner that is directly across the way from the hospital. It looks like a great many of the workers use this place to get their lunches.

The hair on the back of my neck stands on end as I slide into a corner table with my back facing the door. I look over my shoulder and to my surprise I see one of the only duo assassins I've ever known. Morren and Liza. They're brother and sister but you wouldn't be able to tell that from how they are with one another.

Apparently being on the road together for so long has made it acceptable to them for a sexual relationship. They are brother and sister but also lovers. I keep my eyes focused down and wait for the waitress. Morren and Liza are vicious killers, yet most assassins are. We take pride in our work, it excites us. Which is why we run around the globe trying to be the first to take out unsuspecting victims.

Morren and Liza sit on the opposite side of the small diner but I can see them pretty well through the reflection of the glass. The two of them are cuddled up and nuzzling into each other. It's sickening but strangely entrancing. I find it hard to look away.


My head snaps to the side and I see the red checkered apron standing in front of me. Raising my head I take in the rest of the picture and realize the waitress is staring down at me, a little pissed. She's probably been standing there for longer than usual. That's not good. The last thing I want is to be remembered because I was acting strange.

"Sorry about that, I was off in my own world." I lift my head up but don't bother to look her in the eye for long. Her long brown hair is greasy and slightly tangled at the ends. Her apron is grease-stained and dingy, nothing remarkable about her either. "Uh, can I have a coffee and a turkey club sandwich please."



The entire interaction was a little less than a minute and I'm hopeful that by the time she dropped off my food she'd forget what I looked like. When she walks off I focus my attention back on Morren and Liza, now instead of just nuzzling they were fully making out in the booth. They have no tact or sense of privacy for that matter.

I'm grateful for it.

Those two have a certain way of doing things. They locate their target and right before they take them out they have sex. According to them, the kill is much more fun when coming off the high of an orgasm.
