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As long as I keep my eyes on them, hopefully I can catch Stella before they do.

The waitress brings me my food and I eat slowly, always keeping my eye on the love birds on the other side of the diner. Morren looks down at his watch and suddenly his face turns from playful to determined. They must know something that I don't. It seems like it's go time for them and I'll follow right behind them.

Quickly I pay the bill and rush out the diner, leaving before they do so they have no reason to look for me. Still I know if they see my face they'll know who I am. I make sure my sunglasses are on and I pull my hood up over my head. It's too hot for a hoodie but I'm going to have to deal with it until I get my eyes on Stella.

I fix my small bag on my shoulder and take a few steps away from the door. When Morren and Liza come out I pivot and follow behind them, always looking away from them as if they don't mean anything to me.

Ever so often I watch Morren reach down and grope his sister's ass and it makes me want to throw up in my mouth. Just thinking about touching one of my sister's like that is enough to make me want to cut my own hands off.

Thankfully, I don't have to watch them for too long. I follow behind them just as they make their way to a small house. A few people walk out at the same time the two of them walk in. The new group toting suitcases with them. It must be some kind of bed and breakfast. I'd bet money that this is where Morren and Liza will complete their backward tradition.

I don't follow them in, instead I walk around the back of the building looking from the back. Vines and rotted wood laced the rear of the property. Exactly what I need.

I wait five minutes before I start to scale up the back wall. I peek into every window I pass, not to peep but just to be sure that I don't miss them. Finally in the corner room of the house I see both Morren and Liza stripping eachothers clothing off. I wonder if they get turned on by the familiarity of each other's body. They've seen each other naked since they were young children.

I steady myself on the ledge of their window. Neither of them paying me any mind. They're more interested in fucking.

It's still mid day but being that I'm behind the building and there's not a lot of houses in the area no one can see me. Finally five minutes into it I slide open the window and hear the two of them grunting like beasts. Quietly I step in the room staying out of both of their peripheral visions.

My stomach lurches up my esophagus as I watch the two of them go at it. I couldn't never look at any of my siblings in a sexual way and the two of them are fucking like they can't get enough of each other. Fucking like it's the best lay either one of them has ever had.

Slowly, I slide my feet as I make my way over to them. Right now they're the competition. They're here to take my game and call it their own. No way I'm going to let them kill my girl.

I grab the sharp fireplace poker and pick it up over my head. Liza is on her back, her legs wrapped around her brother's waist and her eyes squeezed shut. Morren is focused on his prize. It's a shame he'll never get it.

In one quick blow, I bring the poker straight down. The point pierces the back of Morren's neck, severing the spinal cord at the same time. The point comes out the front of his neck right under his adams apple. I continue the motion and just as Liza opens her mouth to scream the point jams through her mouth and gets lodged right at the back of her skull.

I put so much force behind it that the metal of the poker warps and bends in an odd angle making it impossible for me to pull it back out. It doesn't matter to me. I wipe my prints off the metal as best I can and look around the room to see what intel I can find.

Their bags are in the corner, I grab the smaller of the bunch and sure enough it contains a laptop. It's password protected but it's easy enough to break into. A few moments later I'm digging into their latest saved files and I find exactly what I'm looking for.

Liza and Morren had the exact location of where Stella was staying. She's less than a mile away from me. Finally I'm going to see Stella and put an end to this nightmare once and for all.



"Ella, make sure you pull the bagels out of the back. There's none in the holder." Alan snapped at me just as I am trying to fill up the coffee maker with some fresh beans.

It's annoying and slightly degrading but it's better than the alternative. I could have someone shouting at me to suck their dicks for a few dollars so I could get high.

Thankfully I never have to think about that again. After that dreadful night where I almost lost my life I did the only thing that I could do. I got my shit together. I gathered the last bit of money that I had and hightailed it out of that area. I wound up hitchhiking down I-95 and ended up in the back sticks of Virginia. Changed my name to Ella and spent my first few nights in an abandoned trailer just trying to wait for the junk to get out of my system. It was harder than I'd thought but I made it.

The minute I could get up on my own two feet I went searching for a job. Alan was almost as desperate as I was to find a new server. You'd think working in one of the only businesses in the area there'd be more people who would work with Alan but there aren't.

It's mostly due to the fact that the man is a world-class prick. All he ever does is either belittle me or hit on me. It's almost impossible to get away from some sort of harassment from him. He pays my wages though and right now I can't afford to go jobless.

"As soon as I put the coffee on I'll run back and get some more," I tell him with a phony smile on my face. Alan huffs and rolls his eyes as he picks up his paper and pad to make more notes about things that need to be updated in the small store.

It's nearly time for my shift to be over and I know he knows that I'm not going to stay a minute later. He's making sure I do everything that I can before the time runs out. I don't mind him jumping down my throat while I'm on shift but I have other responsibilities that I have to deal with once my shift is over.

Just as I finish putting the coffee in the machine. I speed walk to the back and pick up the two boxes of bagels that I need to set out for the customers. The breakfast and lunch crowd have already passed through so I'm not worried about that. This last stock should last the rest of the night.

"Working hard as usual." A deep voice speaks near my ear.

I don't cringe, hell I don't even have to turn around to figure out who it is. I know exactly who it is before they say another word.

