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I want to split her in two on my cock.

I thought I was through with this obsession. Sure I still refer to her as my girl but I figure that was only because I put so much time and effort into finding her. I felt a bit of possessiveness with her.

What I'm feeling right now as I watch her is not just a bit of possession, I'm obsessed. My blood hums in my body as I stand in the shadow of the tree line and watch her move about.

How did I go a full year without seeing her? I feel like I'm going out of my mind.

My lips twitch up into a smile as I lean harder against the tree and watch her. I see her turning her head ever so slightly and her movements are slower. She knows someone is watching her.

My girl is observant, I love it.

My plan was to take her out quickly, one bullet in the back of the head, the way I was supposed to take her out last year. Now I think I might want to play with her a bit.

My cock is straining against the hard fabric of my pants. I rub the heel of my hand against the bulge pulsing against my zipper but that does nothing to give me any release. Moving a little closer, I watch as Stella snatches a few pieces of clothing off the line and hurries toward her house.

It's amazing that she thinks something like a freaking house is going to be enough to keep me away from her. Nothing is going to stop me no matter what she does.

I need to get focused. Being this fucking horny isn't doing anything to help me complete the mission. Instead, it's just making me want to prolong it. I can't have that. Not again.

My eyes focus on the clothing line where she was just standing. She left some of her clothing on the line. Slowly I make my way over to the line and pull off a small piece of clothing. Panties, lace, and white.

God I want to see her in these. I press them to my face and bite down on the soft fabric while I take in a deep whiff. it doesn't smell of her but I can imagine. I can imagine what it would look like stuffed in her mouth, while tears trail down her face and her cheeks are puffed out from the pressure of the fabric.

Would she choke? Would her eyes roll back?

"Fuck." I groan and back up faster to the trees, hiding myself better than before I yank open my pants and let my cock free. I press one hand to the rough tree bark while I use the lace underwear in my other hand. Wrapping the fabric around my sensitive flesh, my teeth chatter at the feel of it.

"Oh shit," I mutter as I ravage my own body like an animal. I jerk my shaft hard wanting to tear the underwear to pieces with my thrusts. It doesn't take long for me to release my seed. I actually laugh a little at the feel of it.

Now that I've gotten this intense need out of my system I can focus on what I need to do. I brought my small bag with me. My rifle, some blades, and any materials I might need to get rid of the body. Just because I want to prolong this doesn't mean that I should.

With a kernel of sadness, I assemble my weapon and climb up to a thick branch into the tree. I'll stay up here and wait until I get my best shot. If I try to get closer to her I know that I'll never be able to finish this quickly. A few minutes after I get to my little hide, I hear the door to Stella's place open back up. Maybe she decided to come back out and finish her chores. Surely, I can watch her for a little while longer before I paint her freshly washed laundry with her blood.

I huff out in annoyance as a woman and her child walk down the side of the road close to Stella's house. I'd rather not have any witnesses.

"What the fuck?" I lean closer trying to capture a better glimpse of the image in front of me.

Stella rushes out of her house and instead of talking to the woman she beelines straight for the small child in the stroller. I can't hear what the two of them are talking about but I can see the love that is coming from Stella toward the small child.

"What the fuck is this?" I lean further again, but only the cracking sound of the branch pulls me back. My heart, which usually beats slowly is now hammering out of my chest as I try to get a better look at the small child in her arms.

"Thanks, Freda, same time tomorrow?" Stella waves at the woman who brought the child to her and the older woman nods, waves, and walks off. Part of me thinks maybe Stella is babysitting for the woman but the way she holds the child lets me know that this isn't just her looking after someone else's baby.

This is her baby.

I let her go so long that she managed to start a whole life. She's got a family now. I'm sorry for her. I didn't want to take her away from someone who would need her in the future. Her parents had already given up looking for her. Everyone had already given up looking for her. Only when I put more money into the contract did anyone even try to look for her again. I'm sure they all would be surprised to know that she had a little tyke to take care of.

Either way I'm going to complete my mission, I'm sure someone around town would be kind enough to take care of the child.

I let the two of them get back into the house and wait for things to settle down a little bit. While I wait the small kernel of dread that I was feeling moments before explodes.

How old is the child?

I didn't wear a condom when I took her all those months ago. Could it be?

My hands shake and I continue to look at the two of them through the sights on my rifle. My eyes are trained on the little boy in her arms and when she moves to a part of the house where I can no longer see inside I scale down the tree and walk over to the small house. The sun is completely gone down by now. The darkness is just what I need in order to keep out of sight.
