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For another two hours, I stomped through the trees ahead of Vitto, thankfully after a bottle Chance went right back to sleep.

"Slow down." Vitto hisses out from behind me.

"Speed up. The faster I can get away from you the better." I spit back over my shoulder.

"Stella, fucking slow down." He snaps at me again. This time the second I turn my head I see the gun Vitto already has out in his hand.

"What... what..." My mouth is too dry to get the words out. There must be some sort of threat if he has his gun out. And here I thought we were through with all the killing today.

"Come closer to me." He orders and this time I do exactly what he asks. Rushing over to his side, he grabs hold of my waist and yanks me closer to him.

He holds the gun with one hand while he presses Chance and I against his body to shield us. His eyes scan the entire area, carefully sweeping left and right. My eyes stay glued on his features. His gaze and his grip is hard but everything else about him is relaxed. It's almost like the man was built to end lives. Like the possibility of having to kill someone is nothing more than picking something up from the grocery store.

Confidence oozes from his pores and being so close to him reminds me why I have a hard time not giving into my sexual urges when it comes to him.

Every man that I've ever been with has always had one thing in common, an I don't give a fuck attitude paired with the confidence of a king. It's my kryptonite. No matter how narcissistic, or how much of a deadbeat the guy was I've always been a sucker for an overly confident man. Unfortunately, they've all been extra toxic too.

"If you don't stop looking at me like that, I'm going to give whoever's watching us a show. Then I'd have to kill them twice for looking at what's mine." Vitto darts his eye at me for a moment before looking back over my shoulder.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I whisper and look down trying to stop the blush from crawling up my cheeks.

"Don't try and deny it, I may have only been inside you a few times but I've spent countless hours studying your body. I know when you want to be taken, and the way you were looking at me lets me know that I could fuck you up against this tree right now if I wanted to. Fortunately for you, I'd rather not put my son on the ground." The words out of his mouth sounded like complete facts.

"How long..." A movement behind us captures my attention before I can ask him just how long he'd been watching me. I can barely contemplate what I'm seeing as I watch a man with dark brown and green camouflage move forward on a tree branch above. In that same second my eyes focus on the small gun in the man's hand. The one aimed directly at Vitto.

"Vitto!" I yell and pull him to the side just as the man behind us shoots.

"Shit!" Both of us stumble down, I land hard on my back but make sure to cushion Chance with my arm as best I can. Vitto lands on his forearms keeping his body rigid so he doesn't land on the baby either. Both of us working together to make sure Chance is as safe as he can be right now.

The rough jostle is enough to wake Chance up, the suddenness causes him to wail loudly making it impossible for us to hide.

"Stay down!" Vitto orders. I crouch as low as I can get behind one of the large tree trunks. Wrapping both arms around Chance, doing my best to soothe him all the while Vitto got down to his belly and waited for the perfect moment.

Tears cascade down my face as I squeeze Chance even tighter. I don't ever remember being so scared yet every time I look over to Vitto he seems as cool as a cucumber. The bullets whizzing by his head doing nothing to shake his cool demeanor.

"You fucking asshole! You killed my brothers! I'm going to-"

The man behind us words are cut off with a sharp pop. When I look back at Vitto he's standing up and putting his gun back in his waist. He didn't give the man time to finish his threat.

"Is Chance hurt?" Vitto asks coming over to me.

"Is it over?" I'm too scared to look around the side of tree just in case.

"Yeah, over. Chance?"

He brings my attention back to the baby. Quickly, I unhook the carrier and pull Chance out. There's no blood or injuries but he is soaking wet and in need of a diaper change. "He's okay. Just a little scared and wet. I need to change him."

"You're sure?" Vitto asks again. His fingers twitch as if he's going to reach out for his son but instead he only pulls his hands behind his back and stares down at him.

"You want to hold him? Check him over yourself?" I offer.

"No. I don't need to hold him. You're his mother. If you say he's fine, then he is. Let's keep going." Vitto doesn't say another word. Instead he just walks over to the man he's just killed and moves him so he's hidden behind a bunch of branches.

This is the third time tonight this man has done everything in his power to save both me and my son. He may have told me I don't have a choice when it comes to being with him but right now being with him is not such a bad idea.

