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They're never going to stop.

Every single killer and hitman that had even thought about taking Stella's contract is basically guaranteed to take it. The minute I started taking out the competition I'd made it about more than just the money.

Now they are all going to try and take out the woman that has become so elusive. What they don't know is Stella isn't on her own and I refuse to let any other assassin take what's mine.

After I took out the last of the Torres brothers our pace has slowed drastically. I keep asking Stella if everything is okay and she nods but after four hours of walking I can see that Stella is really winded.

"There are a few hunting cabins not far from here. We'll take a break soon."

"Yeah." Stella mumbles and readjusts the straps of the baby carrier. We can't keep this up for very long. I'd be able to walk through the forest for hours on my own but I know Stella isn't going to make it another twenty minutes.

I pick up the pace trying to find the hunting cabin. I didn't have a chance to check it out beforehand since I figured that all I came here to do was to end Stella's life. I have no idea if any is there but if so I'll deal with that problem as it comes.

It's pure luck that when I get to the hunting cabin it looks like the person who owns it might have just left. The windows are boarded up but there's still a lack of dust making me think someone has been here in recent days.

"Here, you two can relax." I point over to a small sofa. The hunting cabin is just that used to hunt. There's no bedroom or living area, it's all in one area minus the bathroom. The only place for Stella and the baby to relax is on the one small couch that's pushed up against the wall.

"Is there water?" Stella asks, her voice slurring slightly with exhaustion.

"I'll get some, there should be a well or a creek around here somewhere."

She grunts a response, "Good, I'm going to use the last of my water to feed him... need more."

I'm not truly paying attention to Stella, instead, I'm trying to think about the security gaps on this property. I can't really protect Stella and Chance here by myself, especially if I don't know how many people are closing in on us.

Within seconds, I pull the small burner phone out of my pocket. I didn't expect to get any service out here but thankfully, I managed to get two bars. I need to get some information and the only person who knows how to navigate the dark web forums like I do is Giancarlo.

I've never called him for an assist before but this is a special circumstance.

The phone rings three times before Giancarlo finally picks up the line, "Yeah," he answers only to move the phone away from his ear. "Rosie, keep it up, I'm going to give you more of what you had earlier."

I hear Rosie giggling through the line and I realize that I just interrupted some private time. Unfortunately, this takes precedents.

"Yeah?" Giancarlo comes on the phone again.

"Brother." I reply and wait for him to realize that it's me he's talking to.


"Yes, sounds like I interrupted something. Apologies." A sharp, wet cough catches my attention and I turn to see both Stella and Chance fast asleep on the couch.

"Where have you been? We've been trying to get in touch with you for a while." My brother's voice takes on an urgent tone.

"I've been working. My last job took a rather unexpected turn." I look back over to Stella and Chance.

"Unexpected? What do you mean by that? I didn't even know you picked up a new contract."

"Well, it's not a new contract per se..."

"An old one? But you..." Giancarlo releases a heavy sigh as he puts two and two together. "Vitto, tell me you're not chasing that girl again. You killed her this time didn't you?"

"No." I grit my teeth with my answer. I know in Giancarlo's eyes this is considered a failure. It will be the same in my father's eyes too. "Like I said I had some unexpected events come up."

"Well I hope those unexpected events resolve themselves in the next twenty-four hours. Babbo has called a family meeting for tomorrow at the Manhattan penthouse. He's going to announce the arranged marriage."

Dread piles up in my gut. I'd forgotten all about this ploy my father has come up with to unite the two families. I'd also forgotten that it's between myself and my brother Romeo as to who the new groom will be.
