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"Then a steam." I continued.

"Just finished one."

I blink at him a few times before I shake my head and look back down at Chance. "You thought of everything it seems."

He gives me a humorless chuckle before he leans back against the wall, "No, my brother's girlfriend did. I had to call for help." His jaw clenches and he looks away from me.

"Are you upset that you needed help? Don't be. I've called Freda more times than I care to count when it came to Chance. I don't know what I'm doing either." I reassure him.

"I'm not supposed to be a father. This isn't supposed to be my life. I'm always the one on the outskirts, the one in the shadows. I can't have him there." Vitto says as he looks down at Chance.

"You can change. Anyone can change."

His eyes, bloodshot and intense sear into mine. "What if I don't want to change? What if I don't want to be exposed and raw for the world to see?"

"You wouldn't be worried about it if you didn't." I shrugged and focused my attention on the sleeping child. He didn't look very comfortable and neither did Vitto. I reached for my shirt so I could put it down on the ground but Vitto stops me.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"He needs to stretch out, it'll be better for his breathing." I explain.

"Stop," he lifted his undershirt and put it down on the ground before laying Chance on top of him, "Are you sure it's okay to put him down here?"

"We don't have much of a choice, it's warm in here and he'll get more heat from our bodies." I explained and hoped that I was right. This felt like the blind leading the blind.

"Okay." Vitto nodded his head but didn't move.

"You need some sleep too." I tell him and try to pull him down.

"For what so you can try to run away again? No, I can't take that chance." He snarls at me.

"Vitto, I'm not going anywhere. I'd barely get a few feet from here before I passed out, not to mention the army of assassins trying to kill me. I think I'll take my chances staying with you." I pull him down again but he's still hesitant. "We need you at your best Vitto."

"For you, I'll give everything I have." The words were so final I didn't have to question them. I knew he was telling the truth. Vitto would die before he let something happen to us.

* * *

All three of us fell asleep on the narrow bathroom floor. I woke up to the sound of something heavy rubbing against the outside wall. After living in the sticks for a while I know that sometimes the animals get closer than they should but they usually just go about their way. A slight groan captures my attention and I turn back to see Vitto turning on to his side and pulling Chance closer to him.

"I'll just check." I whisper as I get up from the floor and walk over to the window to look out. If it's a bear or something maybe I can scare it away.

I don't see anything out the window so I slowly walk out of the bathroom and into the main area of the hunter's cabin. I don't hear the animal rubbing up against the side of the small cabin anymore so I decide to do a little exploring. I don't know whose hunter's cabin this is but it's not very well stocked. I open the cabinets and the closets but I don't see anything. Of course I know more about living in the sticks than someone who comes from the city. I walk into the seemingly empty closet and press on the back panels. Just like I thought one of them pops open and I see a long shotgun. If there's one thing I can count on living in the country is people hiding their guns.

I examine it for a moment. I've never had to handle a gun but I'm thinking running around with someone who kills people for a living means I'm going to have to learn sooner or later. I slowly pull the shotgun out making sure to keep the barrel away from me and my hand away from the trigger.

As I'm looking at the dangerous weapon I hear a creak against the door. I stay hidden in the closet but my anxiety skyrockets. If it's a bear the first thing it'll go for is Chance. I pull the gun up to my side ready to shoot if I have too. Peeking out of the closet my heart drops when I see that it's not a bear but a man sneaking in.

Maybe it's the owner of the cabin. I take a step out slowly, hiding the shotgun behind the closet door, in an effort not to startle the man sneaking through the cabin. His head whips in my direction and I freeze.

"We weren't doing anything."

He smirks at me and a cold shiver runs up my spine,"I should have known you couldn't have taken them out on your own. It's going to be sweet to take you out."


"Vitto!" I scream as loud as I can before I take a step back as the new assassin charges in my direction. In his hand is a large gun I hadn't seen before. He's there to kill me. I should've known I wouldn't have to be worried about a bear when there are a slew of assassins running around.

I stumble backward, my heel catching on the edge of the closet door frame and I fall to my ass the shotgun in my hands going off blowing a hole in the ceiling. I quickly reposition it down and just as the man gets in a position right in front of me I pull the trigger again.
