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"Go on, get in." He gently pushes me backward until my knees touch the edge of the car and I slide into the passenger seat. Vitto closes the door and takes a step back. Diego quickly gets into the driver's seat and starts up the luxury car. My heart is beating a million miles a minute as I watch through the rearview mirror Vitto getting smaller and smaller. All I want to do is jump out of the car and hold him one last time.

I don't know what is to come of this test but I just wish I could be sure that he was as prepared as possible. I don't have worries that he can take care of himself but who can take on the amount of people I know he's about to take on and survive?

Chance gurgles in the back seat and my eyes shift to him. He's still sound asleep, oblivious to the chaos swirling around him. I may not be guaranteed to have Vitto come back to me in one piece but at least I know I'll have a piece of him with me in Chance.

When I first found out that I was pregnant with my killer's child I didn't think anything could ever be worse. I was ashamed, scared, and at a loss. Now I know Chance was not only my second chance at getting my life together but he is the greatest blessing I could ever get.

I release a harsh breath and focus on the open road in front of me. Vitto will fight heaven and hell to get back to us, all I need to do now is wait.



My breath tickles my nose as it slowly pushes out of my mouth.

I'm completely focused on the task ahead of me. Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, a day of thanks and blessings, and possibly the day I die.

Diego sent me a message, letting me know that he's already got Chance and Stella safe in his club so I can focus on what I have to do. I'm grateful for my brother. It may do little in the way of actually getting me out of this mess but at least I don't have to worry about if they're okay.

So far only a few of the family has shown up to the estate. Each of them arrives in decked-out cars and lavish clothing. All of them suffer from too much hubris and it's what's going to get at least most of them killed. Of course, I need to make sure I keep my own pride in check. This is a lose-lose situation, even if I manage to take out the entire family there is at least a small army of armed guards here. Some of them with the markings of well-trained killers.

From a distance, I'm one of the best at what I do but when I have to get up close and personal I'd rather not have to deal with trained Marines or black ops soldiers. My father knows exactly what kind of detail would be at this home and I'm sure it's one of the reasons he made sure to send me here. He wants to make sure I don't have a way out. Wants to make sure that I have no choice but to give up my family. I'm not going to do that no matter what the cost.

A brief thought crosses my mind, if I don't make it I have to make sure that Stella and the child are taken care of. I know my family won't step up to the mark especially if my father wants to ban them but I can at least make sure that they have the money they need to survive. I shoot Xander a quick text with my account information and make sure to tell him that if I do die he's to transfer all of what's in there to Stella even if he has to do it in cash.

The rest of my assets my father will assume for himself, but this account he doesn't know anything about.

I don't wait for an answer especially since I know that Xander is going to try and say something positive and uplifting like how I'm going to be able to give her the money myself.

This isn't the time for pipe dreams. I need to keep a clear head, If I am going to go out I'm going to make sure I take them all out with me.

Pulling out my phone I take a photo of the newest security guard to join the rotation. So far I've counted upwards of thirteen security guards, not to mention the seven members of the family that have already shown up. The most opposition I've faced and taken out at one time is thirteen and even after that I was on my ass for days afterward.

I'm sure that I could take out a few of them from a distance but once the first of them go down they're going to realize they are under attack and come looking for me. That's only gong to make things that much more difficult.

Gathering up my belongings I slink around the perimeter of the property and look at the second way in. There is a large balcony that leads into one of the main bedrooms. I don't know whose bedroom it is but I don't see any guards lingering around. I don't want to go in that way since it's so open but I may not have a choice. Of course they could be leaving that space unattended as a trap. I wouldn't put it past my father to give the Isley family a heads-up that I'm on my way. It's the only explanation I have for there being so much security at an event that is supposed to be nothing more than a family dinner.

Releasing a deep breath, I slouch down against one of the trees and drop my head. It all seems too much. How the hell am I supposed to pull something like this off on my own? I close my eyes and try to center myself again. I can't focus on the fact that I know I'm not going to win. I have to focus on the fact that If I don't give this all I've got my father is going to kill my Stella and Chance. Anything is better than letting that happen.

A soft shuffling sound nearly echos in my mind and my eyes pop open. I scan my surroundings looking for where the noise is coming from, my hand slowly going up to my waist just in case I need to quickly pull out my weapon.

My eyebrows shoot up to my hairline as I watch Giancarlo step out of the shadows and into my line of sight. "You're getting slow, brother." Gian's eyes are bloodshot and it looks like he's lost weight in the few days it's been since I last saw him.

"And you look like shit. What are you doing here?" I stand and move slowly over to him pulling him down so we are both crouching in the shadows.

"I'm here to release some tension, there's no reason for you to get all the fun." He tries to smile at me but I can see the hurt on his face.

"Shouldn't you be with your new wife?"

"Fuck that bitch." He snarls out nearly instantly. I'm guessing there's problems in the arranged paradise.

"Gian, I'm not going to let you suicide yourself just to get back at our father."

"That man isn't my father. He's just the leader of our family, I follow him because it's all I know. I don't have any backup if I wanted to do it any other way but I'll never consider him a father again after what he's done to me.

My eyes drift up once again to stare into his. Can I really be hearing what I think I'm hearing? Is Giancarlo thinking about rising up against Babbo? "So what, you want this throne for yourself?"

"No, not if I can help it. I just want fucking peace."
