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Slowly, I crab walk to one of the skylights. When I peer down I see three of the Isley family and one security guard. They seem to be arguing with eachother.

They're not on their game which gives me the best chance to take them out. I slowly pull open the skylight and make sure that the hinges make no noise. I reach behind me and pull out one of my smoke grenades. A loud pop screams through the room and I watch as the four people dive for cover not really sure what's going on around them. I drop down and pull up my rifle. I don't breathe. I pull down my goggles and keep my eyes locked on the four men in the room.

I aim and shoot the first one, the security guard, in the head. He drops to the ground and the blood sprays behind him coating one of the Isley family members.

"What the fuck! What do you wa-"

I don't have time to hear the rest of his statement. I'm not here for long drawn-out speeches. I'm here to kill. I shoot and barely flinch as the recoil of the rifle goes through me. I hit this one in the head but when he hits the ground his body is still twitching. I pop two more bullets in his body just to make sure that he's breathing his last breaths.

Swinging the barrel of my rifle around, I stumble back as a burning sensation goes through my upper leg. "Fuck!" I groan and suck down some of the smoke. My lungs scream in agony as the foreign material scars the sensitive lining. Focusing on the direction the bullet came from. I don't see anyone but I do see a large armoire. The person is probably hiding out in there. I spray the grand wood furniture and feel the relief when I watch a body fall out.

I scan the rest of the room but I don't see the other person, I didn't hear the door open but then again all I could hear was the sound of my heart beating in my ears. I keep my eyes to the room as I back peddle toward the door. It's not the best option but I don't want to give whoever is in the room the chance to stay hidden.

As I get closer to the door, I start to sweat until I feel something grab the back of my leg and pull me down to the ground. In reaction, my hands tense and I wind up shooting straight up in the air as I fall.

The smoke in the room is dissipating and I can finally see my target, it's the youngest of all the siblings. He's strong and quick but I can tell he's scared. He fights me for my weapon but as he pulls at my rifle he realizes that it's strapped to my person and he's not going to be able to pull it off. Instead, now he focuses on the knife at my side.

I press my forearm into his throat and push upward trying to suffocate and dislodge him. He lifts up and I angle the gun so it's flush against his midsection and pull the trigger twice. He roars and blood spouts out of his mouth. I'm being sloppy. I should've made sure he was through. Instead, I let him fall forward just so I can catch my breath. My leg wound is really taking it out of me.

He's hurt and bleeding out but he's not dead yet. As he falls forward he lunges for my knife once again but this time I'm not quick enough to stop him. He grabs it and quicker than I can anticipate he plunges the sharp dagger into my side. Instantly I'm out of breath again and gasping.

Shit. It's a life-ender. I know it.

The kid spurts up a little bit more blood and I feel his hand go lax on the knife in my side as he dies on top of me. My head swims and darkness creeps into the corners of my vision.

"Vitto, come home."

I hear Stella's voice in my head and everything sharpens.

She's my everything. I want to own her, possess her very soul and I can't do that if I'm dead. No, this isn't the end for me. I haven't had enough of her. Pulling the last remnants of the adrenaline I have in my body. I push the body off and roll to my front. My hands slip on the puddle of blood under me.

It's a mix of mine and the man I killed but I don't focus on it. It's no longer the time to be stealthy, I need to get this over with. I walk right through the door and pull my rifle up so I can keep my enemies in my sights. Bullets fly in every direction and before I make it down the long hallway I'm hit two more times luckily both times I'm hit in the vest. I still feel the sting.

I'm grateful for it. The sting lets me know I'm still alive. There's still a chance for me to get back to Stella and Chance.

According to everyone I've taken out on the perimeter and inside the building already I know there is only four more I need to be worried about. The father, being the most important of them all.

I hobble my way toward what can only be the main ballroom. It's where the infamous throne is and where I know I'll find the patriarch of the Isley family.

I push open the door and sure enough the father is there on the throne, the three remaining family members are all positioned around, but on top of that there are six more guards I hadn't accounted for.

Nine against one.

All of them with weapons pointed in my direction.

There's no way out of this that'll leave me alive. I knew it was going to be a suicide mission, so I'm ready for my fate.

I say my first and final prayer that Stella and Chance will be able to survive without me. I spread my arms at my side but stay on my feet.

Waiting for the bullet that will take my life.



My eyes stretch even wider as I follow Diego through the dimly lit space. Flashes of neon color pulse every few seconds under the doors and lining the windows.

When Vitto told me that Diego was more of a lover than a fighter I don't think I expected this.
