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"Vitto, I need you."

"I'm here, Stella, I've always been here. You can't get rid of me. I'm already etched on your soul." In a flash, my apparition is next to me and I feel weightless for a brief moment as I hear a Vitto clearer than ever, "Now fucking come!"

I scream loud for a moment as my body contracts before I slam my hand over my mouth to stifle the sound. I come hard and my eyes pop open. Tears cloud my vision as I realize that Vitto isn't truly here. He should be here with me. We should be starting our lives together but instead, he may be in a house someplace dying just to try to save me and Chance. It's not fair. None of this is fair.

If I could go back, I'd never report what I saw to the police. A deep coldness wraps around my body at that thought. If I didn't I would have never met Vittore and I would've never had Chance. As fucked up as my life is right now there's nothing that I'd change.

The orgasm I just brought myself is already a distant memory as the tears continue to pour down my face. Vitto has been my captor, my assassin, and my stalker but it turns out that he's also the love I'd been waiting for my entire life and now I don't know how I'm going to continue without him. I know I have to but the pain of it is just too overwhelming.

I think a good cry is exactly what I need right now.

I stand back up in the tub and press the button to make the wall opaque again. I grab one of the towels and wrap it around my body as I rush back into the bedroom. I flop down on top of the sheets and cry my loneliness away into the pillows. I'm knocked out before I even get comfortable.



Time ceases to exist.

It's almost as if every thought that is going through my head is all about Stella and Chance. I've had very little time to get to know either one of them but I can't stop thinking about what might have been. I wonder what kind of kid Chance is going to be. Will Stella be a soccer mom? Does she know that no one will ever be close to the man I am for her?

Even that thought isn't enough for me to break out of the serene space I'm in right now. Who would have thought facing death would be so peaceful?

Finally, the first bullet explodes in the air and I wait for contact.


And wait.

My eyes pop open the second the glass explodes into the room and everyone drops to the ground.

"What the fuck! Who the hell is that?" One of the Isley boys yells out. I'm just as surprised as he is. The bullets continue to fly. Even if Giancarlo did decide to be a dumb ass and help me out there's no way that he'd be able to do this on his own. It's just too much destruction.

I curl into myself as more bullets whiz through the room. It's only then that I realize that none of the bullets are coming in my direction. Whoever is outside shooting in is playing for the home team.

As quickly as I can I pop up from my position and stalk toward my prey. It's like a fucking action movie. Shit is blowing up all around me. Bullets flying through the air, people dropping like flies all over the place but I'm not concerned with anyone but the elder man in the very center of the room. The head of the Isley family.

His face pales as he watches me stalk toward him. My own blood flowing down my body like an unplugged leak. It's fine if I die now. As long as this bastard comes with me. I pulled my rifle up and aimed at him.

"Wait! Wait!" He puts his hand up as if he were going to plead his case. As if there were any reason in the world that would stop me from blowing his head off.

He opens his mouth to speak again but I don't have the time to hear it. I pull the trigger and get a sick thrill when I watch the bullet crash into his body. He gasps and I hear people screaming for him. Another slice of pain cuts into my back and I jerk forward. Another bullet hole for me, it's no matter.

I follow the head of the Isley family as he back steps and stumbles into his chair. The very throne my father is so obsessed with. I raise the weapon once again and this time the bullet goes straight through his forehead and into the plush fabric of the throne behind him.

Babbo said he wanted it, but he never expressed what condition he needed it to be in.

I fall to my knees as I watch his lifeless body slump forward as well.

My eyelids slide closed.

I listen to the chaos around me and even though I don't know who is helping me out, I'm more than happy to let them pick up the slack.

"Vittore! Off your ass."

My head turns in the direction of the person calling my name but my vision is already fading to black. I can't see who it is but I should know who it is just by the sound of her voice.

There's only one person in the world who could freeze my soul just by the sound of her voice.
