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I grind my teeth, doing my best to stay present. I don't want to be here. The only thing I got in common with these people is the blood in my veins.

We sit around, eat our food and pretend to be the big happy family.

By the time the night is about down, I feel more drained than I have after hunting down a mark through five states. It's hard keeping up this facade.

As Xander, Diego, and Giancarlo sit in the den with Babbo, my sister, and Rosie clear and wash the dishes. I find myself sitting out on the back porch trying to get some alone time. A small recharge.

"You should be in the den with Babbo."

I jump in surprise when I hear Christine speak behind me.

"How the hell did you get out here?"

"The door, I haven't learned how to fly just yet." She deadpans.

"Babbo has more than enough people to entertain him." I reply and turn back to look out at the small yard.

"Entertain. You think he's come here tonight to be entertained? Babbo is here to make sure his children still know what's best for the family. He thinks you're slipping away." Christine's voice is low.

I turn to look at her. For a second, I wonder if she means he thinks that he's losing me as a son but then I realize exactly what she means. Our father is worried that I'm becoming too much of a rogue. He's worried that I might turn on him.

"That's bullshit. What is the point of turning on him? I don't want anything." I snap at my sister. Pissed that after everything I've put up with my father is still finding a way to question my loyalty.

"That's the problem. You don't want anything. No fucking ambition, Vitto. You don't want a place at the table. Don't want to be included in our expansion. You want nothing more than the next hit. How does father control you if he's got nothing you care for?"

I sigh and run a hand through my hair, "Why does he need to control me? Why not just let me do what I do best."

"Because without control, Babbo has nothing. You should know that by now. Go on inside, play the devoted son. Get the target off your back. Or don't, it's your life." Christine shrugs and looks away from me. The woman is more frigid than a fucking glacier.

Just great. I was doing my damndest to stay off my father's radar but it seems the farther away I get the more of a threat I really am.

Pushing myself off my ass I walk out into the den to see my father getting his coat on, ready to leave for the night. Melisande and Xander are already ready to go.

"Babbo, leaving already?" I ask, stating the obvious.

"It's getting late. We need to get this one in bed. She's carrying precious cargo." He eyes me once and starts walking to the door. "Walk me to the car Vittore."

I don't question his request. Instead, I follow behind him as Xander and Melisande take the lead.

"I hear you managed to complete that job." He doesn't give any details but I know he's talking about Mr. Proper.

"Yes, just this afternoon. I completed it to the exact parameters." I say in return. "Of course, I'll wire over my tribute the minute it clears."

"Do I have to remind you to send the confirmation to the buyer?" Babbo raises an eyebrow and stares down his nose at me.

He's questioning me. Questioning if I did my job correctly. I fight the urge to roll my eyes. The last thing I want is for my father to smack the hell out of me in the street.

Xander must have felt the tension mounting because he rushes Melisande into the car and follows behind leaving Babbo and I to have our private conversation.

"Babbo, of course, I sent the confirmation. I've always..."

"No, not always. Don't stand here and pretend like you're infallible. You've failed me before, there's no telling if you'll fail me again." He glares at me once, leaving me speechless and infuriated.

He gets into the car and I step back as he puts it in gear. He'll never let me live that down. It's one thing to be conflicted when it came to my best friend. But to be bested by someone like Stella Spiro is a mistake he's never going to forgive.

I pull out my phone and open up the private folder on my phone. The one with the photo of her. In the beginning, I was infatuated with her, but now I wish I'd never met her. Stella Spiro is the one black mark on my reputation I would do anything to snuff out.

