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“Did you know? Or did you figure it out too?” she asked.

“Dad told me in his final clue. He would have told you too if you had stuck around to figure it out.”

“What was it?” she asked.

I knew I had her then. She was just as interested in finding out what the final clue was as she was in talking to me.

“Why don’t you see if you can figure it out?”

I went over and got the envelope with the last clue in it. I walked back to Natalie who stood with her hand out waiting to take the clue from me. I shook my head and started to read it.

I have a magnet but I don’t stick to metal

I have a needle but I can’t sew

I sometimes have scales but I can’t weigh anything

I help you find your way but I’m not a map

I have N E W S on me but I’m not a TV.

I wanted to see her face when she read it, when she figured it out and then understood it wasn’t a place but a thing. I knew she would figure it out, it wasn’t a difficult riddle but it would give her the chance to see the first of the two final gifts my father would ever give us.

“It’s a compass,” she said and I could tell she was confused.

“You’re right,” I said.

“Okay, but what does that mean? Did we need to go to a place that had a famous compass? Did you find it? Do we need to find it?”

“No, when I told the woman it was a compass she gave me this envelope,” I said and handed her the other one.

This one, I wanted her to read, I wanted to look at her face as she realized what my father was saying, what he was giving us, and what he wanted for us. She took the envelope and read what was inside.

I couldn’t think of a better way for you two to end your journey than in the sanctuary of animals that symbolizes change, hope, and life. You two are all of that for me. You have changed my life for the better, you have given me hope for the future, and I know that whatever you do next will be a wonderful life. I wanted this journey to bring you clarity and understanding of who you are and what you can be. And this compass will remind you of that. Life is hard and full of many journeys but if you have the right person beside you, they will always guide you home, whatever that home may be. - Dad

Natalie reached into the envelope and pulled out the compass. I had seen it many times sitting on my father’s desk. He had always taken it on any trips, saying it had served him well. I watched as Natalie opened it and looked inside. She let out a soft cry when she saw it was a picture of her, me, and her mother at our parents wedding on the left side of the compass. I watched as she looked over to the right and realized that the compass was broken.

“He wanted us to be together, he wanted us to know what was important. It wasn’t the show or the company or what we can get out of it, but each other. During the time we spent together, I realized all the fighting, all the times I tried to piss you off, it was because I was resisting what I had known in my heart since the moment I met you. You are my compass, you are my home. Wherever you are, it’s where I want to be.”

“Do you mean that? Do you really mean that?” Natalie asked as she looked up at me.

“Yes. I was thinking we could expand the show. Dad always wanted to stay in the United States but I think we need to do more. Maybe not just do the scavenger hunts anymore. However, we could still do those occasionally. I want to see the world and I want to do it with you. I got a taste of what it is like to travel with you and I want more of that. If you’re willing to have me, come along for whatever ride you’re going on?”

“I never thought you would want to leave. I thought you needed to stay here. I left because I thought it would be easier to let you go before I got too attached but it wasn’t. It was already too late. I had fallen in love with you.”

“Love? You love me?” I asked.

I could tell by how she was looking at me, how she was standing, even how she was breathing that she meant every word. I had wanted to see her again. I had wanted time to get back to us being lovers. I had never thought she would say the words that I had longed to hear from her.

“Yes. I don’t know how it happened or when it happened but it feels like it has always been there. I do want to travel and see things and share them with other people. I want to continue the wonderful work that your father started and has entrusted to us. But I only want to do it if I can with you.”

“Good. Because I don’t want to do it with anyone else but you either. I love you, Natalie.”

It felt incredible to hear her say those words to me but it was even better being able to say them to her. I could see her shocked expression and I was sure it was like mine. What fools we had been to not trust ourselves and what we were feeling. But all of that was going to change.

“Wow. Who would have thought?” Natalie said.

“Dad did. And I’m so glad he did,” I said and bent down to kiss her.
