Page 39 of Bond & Claim

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“We’ve fought together, faced our fears, and discovered the true strength of our pack bonds,” I say. “We’ve also seen the darkest sides of ourselves, but we’ve always come through it, stronger and more united.”

With each story, I hope to bridge the gap between Ryan and the rest of us, allowing him to glimpse the depth of our connections and the strength that comes from facing adversity together. It’s a small step, but one that I hope will help him feel more at ease in this new chapter of his life.

Eventually, Ryan and I find ourselves outside, away from the chatter of the pack, seeking a more intimate, heart-to-heart conversation. I can sense his apprehension, and I want to create a safe space where he can share his thoughts and feelings without any fear or reservation.

After eating, we head outside for a bit of time together and Ryan finally opens up to me, face to face, revealing the vulnerability that lies beneath his tough exterior. His words tug at my heart strings as he confesses, “I always wanted to tell you about me, Mom. I just didn’t want to endanger you.” It’s a sentiment that fills me with a mixture of emotions—pride in his protective instincts and regret for the years we’ve spent apart.

Wanting to bridge the gap between us even further, I gently request, “Ryan, would you mind showing me? I’d like to see who you really are.” There’s a flicker of hesitation in his eyes, but he nods, understanding the importance of this moment. With a deep breath, he begins to shift, his form transforming before my eyes.

I watch in awe as my son, my flesh and blood, embraces his wolf side. It’s a powerful and beautiful sight, a testament to the strength and resilience that runs through our family. As I stand before him, I can’t help but feel an overwhelming sense of pride and love, knowing that Ryan is finally sharing this part of himself with me.

As Ryan completes his shift, I find myself in awe of the magnificent creature before me. His wolf form is a testament to the strength and beauty of his true self. I take in every detail, from the sleekness of his fur to the sharpness of his eyes, and I can’t help but feel a profound sense of connection and pride.

There, in his wolfish features, I see not only the son I’ve missed for so long but also glimpses of Roarke, his father. The family resemblances are striking, from the way his ears are shaped to the intensity in his gaze. It’s as though they share an undeniable bond, one that transcends species and time.

Before Ryan can shift back into his human form, a familiar figure emerges in the distance. It’s Roarke, in his magnificent wolf form, bounding towards us with graceful agility. As he approaches, I can see the anticipation in his eyes, the eagerness to connect with his newfound son.

Without hesitation, Ryan and Roarke exchange a few quick, joyous barks, a language all their own. It’s a beautiful sight to witness as they nuzzle each other, their tails wagging in unison, the bond between them strengthening with each passing moment.

With a final, shared glance, they turn and sprint off into the wilderness together, a father and son, wolves of the same pack. As I watch them disappear into the distance, I can’t help but smile, my heart warmed by the undeniable connection they’ve forged.

As I stand there, watching the distant figures of Ryan and Roarke running together, Wyatt’s words wash over me like a soothing breeze. “This is good,” he tells me, his voice filled with contentment. “A great way for wolves of different packs to bond.”

I nod in agreement, my heart swelling with gratitude for the life I’ve found among the pack. It’s incredible how much my world has changed since I joined them, and I can’t help but take in the beauty of this moment. The sun casts a warm, golden glow over the surrounding landscape, and I can hear the soft rustling of leaves in the gentle breeze.

Looking around at the members of our pack, each unique and dear to my heart, I feel a profound sense of belonging. Our shared experiences, our trials and triumphs, have forged unbreakable bonds among us. As we continue to grow and evolve together, I’m filled with hope for the bright year that lies ahead.

In this moment, surrounded by the pack that has become my family, I know that we are strong, and that as long as we have each other, the challenges of The Rift and the unknown future can be faced with unwavering resolve. With the year stretching out before us, I can’t help but believe that it holds the promise of new adventures, profound connections, and the enduring love of our pack.

As I bask in the warmth of the moment, my heart brimming with love and hope, I can’t help but reflect on the incredible journey that has led me here. It’s a journey filled with unexpected twists and turns, challenges that pushed us to the brink, and moments of profound connection that have forever changed me.

With each passing day, my love for the men in my life has grown stronger, and they’ve become an integral part of my world. Roarke, my first love and the anchor of our pack, has been my constant support and source of strength. Wyatt, the hot client who became so much more, has brought a new kind of passion and excitement into my life. Lucas, my sexy next door neighbor, has a special place in my heart, and his presence has added a unique layer of intimacy to our pack. And Owen, my son’s best friend, has become an unexpected but cherished addition to our family, igniting a powerful connection that defies convention.

As I stand here, surrounded by the love and acceptance of these remarkable men, I realize that this is my happily ever after. It might not be the traditional fairy tale, but it’s a story of love, growth, and the beauty of finding happiness in the most unexpected places.

In their arms, I’ve discovered a profound sense of belonging and an unshakable bond that defies boundaries. With each passing day, our pack grows stronger, and I can’t help but believe that the future holds even more adventures, challenges, and moments of joy for us to share together. This unconventional love story has taught me that sometimes, the most extraordinary love can be found in the most ordinary of moments, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

This might not be the happy ever after that everyone envisions, but it’s definitely mine and I intend to make the most of every single day that comes from here on out.
