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“Which candy do you want to try?” he asked, breaking the moment.

“All of them.”

“I’ll buy you as many as you want,” he said softly.

“Don’t make promises you can’t afford,” I warned, wishing I could stay close to him like this forever. It felt so good when he was close…and then so empty when he pulled back.

“Just consider the horses before buying out the shop,” he cautioned.

“As long as we bring them a piece, I don’t think they’ll mind.”

“Come, I’ll help you pick,” he said, turning to the door, and the contact was gone.

I exhaled heavily. I’d grown up without much physical contact, but the tactile way my new friends were with each other was rubbing off on me. I already missed it, and I was craving it even more with each push and pull I was having with Nyx.

Maybe Kalilah wanted me to die of frustration.



“Ihave something for you,” Nyx said softly. “Close your eyes.”

I closed them without question. A moment went by before something slipped over my head and settled between my breasts.

“You can open them now.”

I blinked, looking down, and gasped. A large crystal hung on a long, silver chain. “It’s beautiful.”

“I thought you needed a new pendant–one that could heal not harm you.”

“Where did you get it?”

“Back in that town, when I left you watching the candy pulling to go buy some extra supplies.”

“I don’t know what to say. Thank you.” I lifted the stone to the light and inspected the color. I had been studying crystals to learn their many properties for power and healing. This was something I had not yet encountered. And yet…I frowned.

“Both your origin and replenishment stones happen to be varieties of quartz which can occur together. When amethyst and citrine form in the same crystal, you get the perfect stone for you. Ametrine.”

I studied the point of quartz, and it was indeed half citrine and half amethyst. A clear line dividing them.

“I saw it and knew it had to be yours. I wanted to give you something to help you replenish when you need it.”

“It’s perfect, thank you.”

Nyx slid a finger under the chain, extending it out to its full length. “And this one lifts over your head.” He smiled.

I recalled the struggle to remove my old pendant and knew the consideration he’d put into making this gift a restitution for the last pendant rather than a replacement.

He tugged on the chain, pulling me against him, and leaned in, his lips almost brushing mine. Then I felt his fingers skirt the neckline of my tunic, and the fabric was pulled delicately away from my chest. I sucked in a breath.

“Keep it against your skin,” he breathed, and dropped the crystal inside my clothing.

My eyes were heavy lidded from the intensity of him, but they widened at the sensation of a steady thrum from the crystal where it met my skin. A similar feeling to how I felt by the fire in the library, or under the warm rays of the afternoon sun since my powers finally became mine. A replenishment boost that filled my reserves faster than rest alone could do.

“You feel it?” he asked.

I nodded. I was feeling a lot with him so close. My breaths were shallow, and my heart hammered in my veins. I thought he was going to kiss me again.
