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“We must go to beat the approaching storm.” Jaxus cut our moment short, but he was right.



Silence held and humbled us. There was no army of the undead awaiting our arrival.

We approached, flying in a diamond, with Nyx in the lead, anticipating an ambush. But the outpost lay bare. The only sounds were those of the waves licking at the cliffside. It felt like a graveyard.

We circled over the top of the battlement, looking for any signs of life. I leaned over the side of Nyx’s back, scanning the ground. Since our meld, being on his back felt like an extension of myself. There wasn’t even a fear of falling.

“Are the undead listening?”

“Why do you ask?”

“It feels like the world is holding its breath.” I couldn’t explain it any other way. “They have to be laying in wait.”

“I know, but where?” Nyx circled back to the place we’d designated for our fallback.

The other dragons landed seconds after he did and changed to their fae form.

“It looks completely abandoned,” Augustus said.

“Which makes it more dangerous,”Nyx warned.

It felt hopeless. Kol wasn’t dead, I reminded myself. I took solace in what I could hold on to, keeping hope alive.

Nyx paced the top of the ridge, looking over the outpost. “We need to sneak in. We’ll have a better chance of finding my bother if we split up and go in groups.”

“I agree,” Jaxus said, and it clearly surprised Nyx.

He whipped around and looked into Jaxus’ eyes. “Good. There’s a cliff escape—all our outposts have them. Zaria and I should go in there. Then what do you think? Two take the front and one stays in the air?”

Jaxus nodded, considering Nyx’s words. “I like that. Then one of us will draw them, and the others can get in and look around.”

“We should wait until full sun. The Vivi lose power in the full sun,” Augustus added. “I’ll take the front with Xavi. We’re lighter than you and can slip them easier.”

“We need another fallback plan.” Jaxus crossed his massive arms over his chest.

“And a signal,” I said, finding my voice.I was part of this rescue team, too.

“Right, good point. Do you know how to send out a flair?” Jaxus asked.

“Like a streak of light? Yes.” Light was becoming my best weapon. “But won’t they see it?”

“Yes, but if you need help, it won’t matter. Make it loud. If we’re found, we’re found. Best we all know,” Jaxus said matter-of-factly.

“If the alarm is raised, we fall back,” Nyx ordered.

“Where are we falling back to?” Jaxus asked.

“Here, in the first instance. If this spot is compromised, head straight back for the Wild Mountains. We know they can’t follow, and if we can’t land here to regroup or we get separated, just head back to the sanctuary,” Nyx said.

“Agreed,” the others said in unison.

“You’re still confident they won’t be able to find the sanctuary, right?” Nyx asked. “I wouldn’t want to put anyone else at risk.”

“I’m sure. We had dragons testing our wards and magic while you were there. We found no holes. The elders are happy that it was your unique magic that let you pass.”
