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“I see. And the Dragon’s Bane was growing in large crops?”

I scowled. Nyx had mentioned Dragon’s Bane to me, but I had never heard of such a thing. “I don’t know what that is. We grow an herb used in ceremonies and offerings to the Goddess. It’s the sacred herb. It has no other name I’m aware of. The crops were large, though. It was our sole income.”

“Did any others have this same intolerance you describe?”

“No, it was just me.” I lowered my eyes, focusing on finishing my meal. The shame I felt at being the only weak member of my community was still heavy.

“It’s not your fault, you know,” Kiera assured me.

“Our healer was not kind like you. When we were alone, she sometimes insinuated that my sin had angered the Goddess, and this was my punishment. Though I don’t know what sin I committed. I have suffered this way since I was a small child. I may have angered the Goddess as I’ve grown, but what sins can an innocent child commit?”

“By the Goddess! I have never heard such nonsense,” she exclaimed, looking affronted. “The Goddess does not punish her children. Healers especially should know this. The Goddess nurtures and heals the earth and her fae. We healers are her hands for this task. The idea of placing blame on a patient for an ailment is beyond me. It goes against all our teachings. Perhaps isolation led her to forget these values over time.”

I found my lips curling into a smile for the first time in an age at this. I liked the idea of a place where this was the thinking, even if being out of the commune was terrifying in every other way. “Thank you for saying that. It appears we come from very different worlds.”

“So it would seem. I must assure you, though, some fae are just intolerant to things in the environment. Most can be treated, though, even with the old ways, so it puzzles me that nothing could be done for you. I will take to my books tonight to see if I can find any solutions we can try.”

“Please don’t waste your free time on me,” I begged. I liked this fae, and I didn’t want her to invest her time when I didn’t plan to stay. “I know there is no cure, and I have accepted that. I will try not to be a burden while I am here, and I will leave as soon as I am able.”

“You are no burden. You belong here, and my work is to help those who do. And don’t be fooled by the term ‘work.’” She smirked. “My passion is solving the unsolvable. I enjoy nothing more than finding clever ways to treat mysterious ailments. Indulge me.” Once again, she gave me that knowing and understanding smile. “While you are here, at least.”

I chose not to respond in case it sounded like a promise to stay. Instead, I finished my stew, eating beyond my stomach’s capacity because there was never enough food. I groaned as I placed my spoon back on the tray.

“Good?” Kiera asked, taking the tray.

“Wonderful, thank you.”

She chuckled. “I seldom hear such praise for the cook’s stew, but she will be delighted to hear it. I could bring you some more if?—”

I held up my hand to stop her. “I couldn’t eat another bite, but thank you. “

“And how do you feel? Are you tiring? Weakening?”

I searched myself for any of the usual signs of an attack coming. I felt…good. “No, I feel rested and well. Perhaps a result of sleeping the day away.”

“Perhaps.” She stood, straightening her robes with her free hand. “I will leave you now to get some rest.”

My face must have shown my immediate panic at the thought of being left alone in this strange place again.

“Do not worry. A healer is always stationed outside these rooms at night. You are the only patient under my care tonight. There are wards set to alert me if you have an attack, as you say, and I will come immediately. And we ward the healer’s wing at night so no one can enter without permission. You are completely safe.”

I didn’t know what wards were, but I relaxed somewhat at her reassurances.

She drew back the curtain to step out. “There is a bathing chamber here.” She waved toward a door I had not yet seen. “The curtains are just for privacy if we have several patients, but as it’s only you, I will leave it to you to close them if you wish.”

I nodded, taking in the room again without the distraction of the dragon.

“Sleep is what you need to heal, Zaria. Do that and then you will be ready to take on the rest, okay?”

“Okay,” I agreed.

“I will see you in the morning.”



What in all the kingdoms was that?
