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“You always know what I need to hear.” I kissed her lightly. “Thank you for being by my side.”


Hand in hand, Nyx and I walked in the procession to the capital’s main temple, followed by our closest friends. Our family.

Fae lined the streets, and cheers went up on each one we turned onto. I had never seen anything like it. Funerals were somber occasions in my experience, and to see the city celebrating our fallen was healing to my soul.

The Temple of Avalon sat halfway up the hill, overlooking the city, and a memorial for the lost Flights had been erected in the square outside. It was a simple monolith, engraved with the names of each flyer and ryder of the fallen flights, as well as the name of every other fae we had lost at the outpost.

I studied the names, there were too many, but Kol Asar, carved into the black marble and gilded would forever be a knife to the heart. Beneath him, Elvar, his ryder, was remembered. I didn’t know him well, but he was important to Kol, and it comforted me to know they went to the Goddess together.

As fae passed the monolith, they put down flowers and other things to pay tribute before moving inside the temple.

It was packed inside, but we were ushered to a bench near the front, where all the families of those lost were seated. The priests made offerings to the Goddess. While the high priest spoke about the Flight’s sacrifice and their assured places at the Goddess’ side, I looked around at the fae gathered because they loved Kol.

My eyes caught on the King’s where he sat on his throne in a place of honor, and I realized he was watching me. I looked away, uneasy to have been caught in his intense stare. I tried listening to the priest again, but I could feel his eyes still on me. The need to know built in me until I couldn’t fight it another moment. I looked directly at him this time, and sure enough, the King’s glare was fixed on me.

His eyes narrowed…in question? I couldn’t understand why. After a long moment, he looked away, and I almost sagged with relief.

After the service, we were working our way out of the massive temple, and I was ready to meet our friends and say our own private goodbye to Kol, but the King stepped into our path, and Nyx stopped short.

“Your Majesty. Thank you again for doing this for Kol and the Flights.”

“They deserve to be accepted by the Goddess. It was the least we could do for them.” He patted Nyx’s shoulder. Then he turned his attention to me, and that uneasy feeling started again. “You must be Nyx’s ryder? I don’t think we’ve been introduced.”

I remembered the bow I was expected to give and awkwardly bobbed. “I am, Your Majesty.”

“Do you have a name, my dear?” he asked smoothly.

“Azariah Sorelli, Majesty,” I replied, smiling politely.

The King’s face seemed to drain of color, and he looked taken aback. Then the look was gone, and a cool mask of indifference slipped back over his face.

“Well, I’m sorry this is the first chance we’ve had to meet. I’m sure we will meet again.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.” I bowed again. His manner had me on edge, but he was obviously done with us because he nodded to Nyx and strolled away.

“What was that about?” I asked Nyx, mind to mind.


“He was staring at me all through the service and then he seemed…I don’t know, suspicious of me.”

Nyx frowned and looked for the King, but he’d been ushered away. “I think you’re imagining it, Sol. He’s always suspicious about everything.”

I shrugged, but I couldn’t shake the feeling I’d caught the attention of a predator.

Free from the masses at last, we returned to our section of the palace. The area that housed the flyers, and next to it, the healers, was home now, and I was happy there. So, it was there we chose to hold our own little private memorial.

Nyx had commissioned a statue of Kol to be placed in the gardens, and we were seeing it for the first time. I slipped my arm around Nyx’s waist as we studied the details the sculptor had captured.

I tilted my head.

It was…off.

Not at first glance, but the more I looked, the more I had to hold in a laugh that was threatening to bubble up and ruin this somber moment.

Kiera side-eyed me, and I realized she was holding back a laugh, too.
