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“That didn’t happen for me, though,” I insisted.

“No, I believe it did. You were so young. New to your magic. You don’t remember?”

I shook my head. “Nyx mentioned something about it, too, and I thought he was lying.”

“He wasn’t,” Kol said carefully. “Nyx was called to you. He was only young himself, around eight years but already powerful. We think that’s why it happened so young for you both; the strength of your combined power triggered it early. It’s not unheard of, but the Goddess only calls on one so young if their power is important. It foretells a need. Your powers combined must be crucial to the future of the kingdoms.”

“I don’t remember. Is there a chance he’s wrong? Maybe it wasn’t me.”

“You know it was you, Zaria. You must be able to feel it inside that you know him on a level that doesn’t exist with anyone else. Besides, it’s not something you get wrong. The connection is undeniable.”

I sighed. “He said that, too…that I knew him. I didn’t believe him, and since I was being carried off by a winged beast, I didn’t want to believe a word he said.”

“Understandable. Being kidnapped by a dragon doesn’t sound so great.” He chuckled.

“That’s what I’m saying. Who would respond well to such a thing?” I threw up my hands. “Even another dragon agrees with me.”

He laughed, and I joined him. “He was trying to save you from the fire and the Dragon’s Bane, though.”

I grumbled, not wanting to give Nyx any credit, even if a little was due. Very little. It was the dragons who started the fires in the first place. I couldn’t forget that. My face must have betrayed my train of thought because Kol looked contrite.

“I’m truly sorry for what happened to your village. It’s a complex situation that you’ll come to understand better, but suffice it to say that the herbs your village grew are the reason dragons are dying off. The crops had to be destroyed.”

“And the fae?” I snapped.

“That was…unfortunate.” He shifted uncomfortably. “Dragon’s Bane on that scale could completely wipe out what’s left of our kind. It’s dangerous enough to those tasked with destroying it from the skies. To go in while it’s all burning like that… only a dragon like Nyx could survive it. He only just got you out.”

“Maybe he should have let me die with my village,” I mused.

“You’d rather be dead than be here?”

I couldn’t answer that. The person I was before the fire would have begged the Goddess to take me along with my family to the Shores of Avalon. But everything I thought I knew could now be a falsehood. Where did that leave me?

Would I rather be dead or find out the truths that had been kept from me my whole life, and maybe discover there is more to life than what I’d been given?

“You don’t have to answer that. I’m sorry. Everything is too fresh for you right now. You need time to process. But you are safe, and when you’re ready, you’ll see that you belong here.”

“Fae keep saying that.”

He smiled softly. “Because it’s true. It’s destiny, the Goddess’ plan. Don’t fight it. Just know I’m here for you. I know I’m a stranger right now, but you are my twin brother’s ryder. That makes you family in my book.”

I didn’t know how he had the ability to lighten even the darkest of moments. “Thank you.”

“I mean, don’t get me wrong, his ryder or not, if it turned out you were an arsehole, you’d be on your own. He would deserve it, but I wouldn’t be getting myself involved with that kind of mess. I like a nice, easy life.”

“So, that’s why you were worried Nyx would mess things up? Because I’m supposed to be a ryder, and he is supposed to be my, erm…dragon?” I cringed internally at the absurdity of saying such a thing out loud. “You’re worried we won’t be able to get along?”

“It happens, and it’s a nightmare for everyone who has to work with them or just be around them.”

I cringed because if I really was stuck here and, Goddess forbid, destined in some way to be a part of this world, then I could only foresee that kind of relationship for Nyx and me.

“Do you have a ryder?” It suddenly occurred to me to ask.

“I do.” He smiled, giving more away than he knew.

“You must really care for her. It shows on your face.”

“Him, and I do care for him deeply. He’s one of my closest friends.”
