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“Thank you.” I took them gratefully, trying not to show emotion. My clothes being gone felt like another part of me had been taken away. Even though I hated them, it was just another tie to my life, cut.

“I’ll change now. I don’t think I can go out like this.” I’d found a light dress and undergarments left out for me this morning, which I assumed were only intended for wear in the healer’s wing, though. I wouldn’t feel properly dressed going outside in it. I was used to the heavy, itchy robes we made at home, which covered every inch of skin lest we be tempted into sin. I hated them, but I would have liked their comfort right now. I felt too vulnerable and on show.

“You look fine,” Kol interjected.

“I can’t wear this out.”

He lifted a brow but didn’t comment.

“I’m serious. This is barely a robe.”

“It looks fine to me,” he said cautiously. Kiera shot him a glare. “But if you aren’t comfortable, you should change,” he added, backtracking, and holding his hands up to protect himself from Kiera’s dagger eyes.

I unfolded the first thing in the pile and blinked. “Pants?” I exclaimed before I could catch myself.

“Yes,” Kiera said, confusion showing in her voice.

“Am I allowed to wear them?” I pressed when neither she nor Kol said more.

Kol laughed. “I take it you weren’t allowed to in your village?”

I shook my head, eyeing the garment.

“Females can wear anything they want here,” he informed me.

“But…” I looked at Kiera. “She’s in robes.” Her robes were long and more closely resembled what I was used to. I had just assumed it was the standard here, too.

Kiera joined Kol in laughter. “I have to wear these only while I work. It makes healers easily identifiable so we can be found for help when we are needed, but in my leisure time, I can wear what I want.”

“Oh.” I ran my fingers over the soft material. When I was small, I used to beg my parents to let me wear pants like the boys because the skirts were always so heavy and restricted my movements, making it nearly impossible to keep up with the boys when we played.

“I’ll step out so you can change,” Kol said, then headed for the door.

Kiera followed, stopping before the doorway. “Take things easy, Zaria. At least until we have a better handle on your condition. I have had your rooms warded the same way I did here last night. If you suffer an attack at night, I will be alerted.”

“Thank you.” It didn’t seem enough for the kindness and comfort she had offered, but I only had my gratitude to give.

“It’s my pleasure.”

She left so I could change. I put on the strange clothes and found they fit fairly well. When I stepped out of the room and into the hallway, Kol clapped.

“Excellent. How do they feel?” he asked.

“Fine.” I glanced at myself, feeling self-conscious. “Strange.”

“Enjoy your day. I’ll come check on you later if I’m able, Zaria.” Kiera squeezed my arm before disappearing into another room.

“You’ll get used to the pants. You can’t ride a dragon in a skirt. At least not easily.” Kol gestured for me to follow, and I did.

“Where are we going?”

“Do you want to see your rooms first or go in to the city?”

“Rooms?” I asked.

“Yes, every student gets their own. We’ll go there later. Let’s get some fresh air first.”

“Student?” I frowned, halting my steps. This was going to be a long day if he couldn’t speak a word I didn’t have to question.
