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“We came to take you out,” Kol informed me.

“Oh,” I replied.

Brilliant. Just brilliant, Zaria, I scolded myself.

“We are headed into the square to our favorite tavern,” he explained. “Their roasted beef is the stuff of legend.”

“And their ale isn’t bad, either,” joked Casimir, nudging his friend.

I had been desperate for company minutes ago, but could I really do this? It sounded like more than I could handle. Kol had pointed out several ‘taverns’ while we were out, and I was intrigued, but they were bustling with fae inside and out, and I wasn’t sure I was ready for such an immersive experience.

“Come on, Zaria,” Kol urged. Then he said the one thing that could make me agree: “We’re going to get Kiera next. She will be so happy to see you.”

“Okay,” I agreed before I could stop myself.

They whooped in unison, and I looked down at myself, wondering if I was wearing the appropriate clothing.

“You look perfect. Come.” Kol reached for my hand to drag me out of my room.

“Wait. I need my key,” I insisted, turning to collect it from the desk. I might not have had much to secure, but I had to keep my sanctuary safe.

Once my door was locked, I was on my way to the healer’s wing to collect Kiera with Kol and his friends, and I made sure to note the way so I could visit any time I wanted.

“And then you came out of nowhere and nearly knocked me out of the damned sky!” Rowan accused Kol.

Kol shrugged. “I’m stealthy. What can I say?”

Laughter erupted around the table I was sitting at among a dozen ryders and flyers after a delicious dinner. Some of them had consumed several of the large mugs of ale. It was clear flyers, at least the larger ones, had a high tolerance to the effects of alcohol. Though I was not averse to ale, I did not have such a high tolerance and did not want to feel at a disadvantage in such lively company. So, I tried a fruit juice Kiera had suggested, and she was right; it was remarkable and unlike anything I had ever tasted before. Sweet and refreshing.

“You need to wear a bell at night is all I’m saying,” Rowan said.

“And where is the fun in that?” Kol argued. “I’m a night dragon. I’m made to sneak up on you. It’s my special skill.”

“How about you, Zaria?” Rowan turned the conversation to me. “Got any special skills?”

I shrank under the sudden attention. “Umm.”

“Zaria’s powers have not fully revealed themselves yet,” Kol jumped in. I didn’t correct him and say that I had no power whatsoever. It was clear he was limiting what I had to share with these new friends, so I’d follow his lead.

“Yeah, but what about non-magical skills?” Casimir threw out.

“Leave her be,” Kol defended, and I was touched. But actually I did have some skills they would probably see as useful. It was just difficult to know what they would think of a female having such training. Though, from what I had heard this evening, it was obvious there were very different societal standards in this place. Just a glance around the table showed that half the flyers and ryders were female, and they, by all accounts, were battle-hardened warriors.

“I’m good with a sword,” I offered tentatively.

“No shit?” Kol said.

I nodded. “I learned in secret, though.”

“You had to hide learning to fight?”

“Yes. Only the males learned in my village. The females were not permitted… especially me.”

Frowns gathered around the table at my words.

“I was always sick,” I explained to the group. “They wouldn’t have let me learn even if females were allowed.”

“So, how did you?” Maxen, Kol’s muscular friend, asked.
