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I felt my cheeks heat. “Well, thank you. It’s very kind of you all to help me find my way around. I don’t want to be a burden to anyone, though.”

“It’s no bother. I’m going that way, and you need to eat.”

I was happy to leave my thoughts behind to find some breakfast and distract myself for the day. The mess hall was almost as lively as the tavern last night, and I tried not to get overwhelmed by the rowdy strangers I now lived among. I was sure I would settle in and feel at home here eventually. Then I caught myself. I wasn’t planning to stay, and I didn’t like how easily I was beginning to think otherwise.

True to his word, Maxen made sure I was fed and then escorted me to where I was due to be assessed for magic.

“This is where I leave you,” he announced in the doorway to a large hall. He nodded to someone inside. “I’ll see you later.”

“Thank you,” I said, already half-distracted by the next unknown to cross my path. When I peered into the room, I immediately wished I had stayed in bed.

Nyx was waiting with his arms folded across his oversized chest and surly expression in place. He was listening to an older fae who was talking rapidly, but his focus was solely on me.

The other male seemed to realize his attention was elsewhere, and he turned to see what the distraction was.

The new person was unlike anyone I had seen before. His wiry frame was hunched at the shoulders. There wasn’t an ounce of muscle on his body—the opposite of the imposing figure beside him. In my limited experience of this world, I could confidently say he was something other than just fae. That is to say I felt sure he could turn into another type of creature. He had a serpent like quality. I really needed to find some books. I needed to know more about…well, everything.

As I drew nearer, the man’s sharp, narrow-eyed stare unsettled me, and the elongated nostrils on his blade-like nose flared. Scenting me? I felt like I was being assessed as a tasty meal, and I wanted to run.

“Hold your ground, Sol,” Nyx said softly into my head.

I dared a glance for a second. His eyes offered encouragement, so I returned my focus to the fae with the snake stare. “Is it safe?” I replied to his mind.

Nyx’s amusement was clear in his tone. “I would hope so. He is an instructor. If he made a habit of eating trainees, I think command would have done something by now.”

“Then, why is he looking at me that way?”

“He is assessing you. Just hold your ground.”

I stood, waiting.

“Interesting,” the instructor said at length, then at last took his fixed attention off me and looked to Nyx. “I sense no origin powers. Are you sure about her?”

My lip curled at the way he spoke about me as if I was not here.

“I am certain,” Nyx said firmly. “I was called to her when she was only three years old. Power that can call a flyer at that age can’t be mistaken. I could feel it then… I just can’t now.”

He was doing it, too. Acting like I was not here.

“And what kind of power did you sense?”

Nyx looked defeated. “I was young, Rakan. Hardly an expert in origin power types. It was strong, that’s all I can tell you. Can you draw it out?”

Rakan returned his snake stare to me, and I lifted my chin. I would not cower.

“Hmm. We will see. She is spirited, though. I hope that doesn’t get in the way.”

I couldn’t take being treated like livestock another moment. “I’m right here,” I snapped.

Rakan arched a brow, making the features on his face pull sharper. “Spirited,” he repeated, more to himself this time.

“I’m Zaria.” I shot Nyx a glare. If he wasn’t going to introduce me I’d introduce myself. He offered a nod, letting me know I was doing okay. I felt like I was facing down a wild animal and the wrong move could see me mauled.Maybe that was closer to the truth than I imagined. It was impossible to know in this place.

Rakan offered a single nod, not letting up an ounce of intensity.

“My apologies. Zaria, this is Rakan, a magic instructor. He’s going to help you with your power development. He has the power of siphoning, which makes him well equipped to help us.”

I tried to make sense of the words he spoke. “Why would siphoning help?”
