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“I’m afraid so. It’s too dangerous, knowing nothing about your heritage, and since you can’t feel your powers.”

“I think I’d know if she could dampen. I would feel it,” I tried for Zaria’s sake. I didn’t want her to think of this as her new prison. I wanted her to want to be here, and nothing that had happened so far was getting that future off to a good start.

“Maybe, maybe not.” Rakan wasn’t budging. “You can work on other things, but I can’t, in good conscience, allow you into flight training until we know for sure.”

“Fine.” Every day we spent in this room put us another day behind. Every day we were behind was another day I couldn’t take my place, and another day she might figure out what she really was to me and want to leave even more.

I had to find a way to draw her magic out.

“I am going to consult with some of my colleagues who specialize in dampening. Maybe they will be able to help. Same time tomorrow?”

“Thank you,” I said, even though he’d achieved nothing in the last week.

“Have a good afternoon.” He left before us, probably hurrying off to another student.

“Never did I think I’d meet someone more insufferable than you here,” she shot.

I scoffed. “There are plenty. You just don’t know very many fae.”

She rolled her eyes. “I’ll keep that in mind. See you tomorrow.”

“Where are you going?” I asked when she turned the opposite way in the corridor.“We have combat arms now.”

“It doesn’t matter. I can’t be trusted around others, can I?” She quickened her pace like my legs weren’t longer and I couldn’t keep up with her.

“It does matter. Combat arms isn’t magic, and we will be on the ground. You just can’t be in the air with others. It’s too dangerous.”

“How do you know I won’t kill someone on the ground when my magic comes out?”

“Because I will be able to manage it. As long as you don’t knock me out of the air, I can handle you.”

“Then, maybe I just don’t want to go.”

I stared at her. “You love fighting, don’t you?”

She threw up her hands in frustration.“I can’t do this. I don’t belong here. Everyone knows—you just won’t admit it.”

“You do belong here,” I said, blocking her way. “You have to do this.”

“I can’t, and I can’t be trapped. I can’t breathe in that room.”

“And what is your solution? You heard Rakan. They won’t let us train with others or in the air. We are a danger to everyone here until we know what your powers are.” It wasn’t what I wanted either, but I accepted it.

“Take me home. Just let me go back—please.” Her beautiful green eyes went glassy as tears gathered, and it pained me to see.

“You know I can’t do that.”

“You can do it, you just won’t.” She put her hands on my chest and shoved, trying to push me out of the way.

I didn’t move an inch, but my lip curled up in a snarl. “No, I won’t. We have an agreement, and you are not upholding your end.”

“I am trying.” Her tears turned to anger, and her hands into fists.

“Try harder.”

She screamed and beat her fists against my chest. “What would you have me do?”

“Stop repressing your powers.” I wasn’t sure it was actually her fault or if it was the brain washing by her parents, but she had to snap out of it, and no one could do it for her if Rakan couldn’t.
