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“They can tailor things for you if they need to, but they will have a set that’s close enough to hand you today, and the tailoring isn’t really necessary, anyway.”

“Why not?”

His eyes raked over me again, and I felt heat roll over my frame.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” I said under my breath so no one else would hear as we rounded a corner into a busier corridor.

“Am I not allowed to look?” he spoke in my mind.

“Get out of my head,” I hissed.

“You know dragons have great hearing, so lowering your voice doesn’t prevent any of them from eavesdropping.”

“Of course, they do.” I reluctantly switched to speaking in our minds. “Why were you looking at me like…” I couldn’t say how I thought he was looking at me.

His lips curled into a devilish smile… like he’d won. “Am I not allowed to admire?”


“Yes, Sol. I was admiring you.”

My steps faltered, and I stopped walking. I couldn’t even touch that statement.

“How can you be so sure I won’t have to get things tailored?’

“Because you are underweight right now from going without enough nutrition for so long. A couple of weeks eating three square meals a day, and you’ll fill out perfectly.”

His eyes flashed at the thought, and I was happy it wasn’t only me who was letting feelings slip. I just didn’t know what to do with his.

The way he purred the word “perfectly” into my mind felt heated.

I adjusted the way my clothes sat on my thin frame and fidgeted uncomfortably.

There were fae passing us by in this hallway, and it suddenly became apparent to me that, to everyone else, it looked like we were just standing staring at each other.

Nyx must have realized the same because he spoke aloud again, “It won’t take us long. We have time to eat first.”

I was about to shoot him down when my stomach rumbled.

“You can’t deny me now. However will you keep your energy up to fight me if you starve yourself?”

I gave him a death stare before turning to storm off the other way.

He had to jog to catch me by the time he realized what I’d done. “The kitchen is the other way, Sol.”

“Maybe I’m no longer hungry.” Again, my stomach betrayed me.

“Where are you going?”

“To Kol’s chambers to ask him if he’ll take me to get my training uniforms.”

“Have it your way.” He rolled his eyes, then, without warning, ducked out of a side door and launched himself into the air.

Did they just have those exits all over the palace? At least I was rid of him. Now I just had to remember where Kol had pointed out his rooms when we walked by on the way to the tavern.

It took me a while to find my way, which I would never admit to Nyx, but I was feeling very pleased with myself as I finally crossed the courtyard that led to Kol’s rooms.

I lifted my hand to knock on Kol’s door, and my self-satisfaction slid off my face as Nyx pulled it open with a sandwich in hand.
