Page 48 of The Almost Romantic

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“And I’ve been studying flower arranging, so I’ll help them,” Ally adds, her tone deadly serious now that she’s figured out the ruse.

It’s like Harriet the Spy and the Spy and the Spy. I could whistle in admiration if I didn’t also want to whisper to these troublemakers whose side are you on?

But my fake fiancé has other issues on his mind. “Articles as in media coverage?” Gage asks Felix.

“Yes. I have Silver Zanetti coming to the opening, among others.”

“The Dessert Devotee?” I ask, my voice pitching up at the mention of the wildly popular dessert influencer. She can make a shop. Double, triple, quadruple its business.

Gage shoots me a curious look. “Who’s that?”

“She reviews chocolates,” I rattle off at Mach speed. “She does these videos where she takes bites of chocolate and rates them, and they’re so popular.”

“For eating chocolate?”

Well, she does it really sensually, like she’s having a foodgasm, but I don’t say that in front of the kids. I just nod to Gage. “Yes.”

“That’s great,” he says to Felix.

“And many others are coming too. Lots of food press and lifestyle media. And the merch team will have their branded items on sale during the day in about a week, so be on the lookout for that, but sharing the shop should be easy. They don’t need more than shelf space during the day.”

“Piece of cake,” I say, like I’d deny him a thing.

Then Felix turns to the girls. “Kiss My Tulips is the name of the flower shop if you do decide to check it out.”

“We most definitely will,” Amanda says.

“Right after we get our boba,” Ally adds.

“And we should head over there now,” Eliza finishes.

Yes, leave, right away!

They wave, then spin around.

“If you go to Farm To Straw, tell them to put it on my tab. Felix Aguilar,” Felix calls out as they trot down the steps.

“Thanks, Felix,” Amanda says, and the girls disappear.

Felix is enchanted by the troublemaking trio, shaking his head in delight as they go. “They’re the best of friends,” he says to us.

Gage laughs. “No, they just?—”

“They just are,” I correct, ready to stomp on his foot. “Isn’t it precious?”

Realizing his mistake, he quickly adds, “So precious. Just love it. Love it big time. One hundred percent.”

“You have a lovely family,” Felix says warmly. The dude is such a grandpa. His warm eyes travel to my hand. “Oh! What a beautiful ring. Is that?—”

I’ve got this. “Yes! It’s vintage. Gage’s grandmother’s ring. We were having it sized, so I was wearing a silly little cocktail ring because I didn’t want to go without.”

“It’s a lovely family heirloom,” he adds, and whew—I’m glad I had that lie ready, though I still feel oily. Maybe oily is just my new normal. “And I personally think a New Year’s Eve wedding would be great. Stop by the flower shop anytime. We can handle everything.”

On that note, he leaves, returning to the interior of the hotel. Once he’s out of earshot, I slump against my fake fiancé. “That was…”

“A close call?” Gage finishes, wrapping his strong, capable arms around me.

“Yes, and are our kids actresses or what? They’ll be thanking the Academy before we know it,” I say, then rest my cheek against his shoulder. “I feel oily again.”
