Page 18 of Kissing Lessons

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My heart howls like an abandoned puppy.

Clouds gather overhead as I eat my pizza. Gray and full-bellied, they scud over the town on brisk winds, then hunker down and start spitting rain. Perfect. Cold droplets fleck my cheeks as I chew the last bite of sourdough crust.

A cold breeze gusts through the streets, riffling my sundress, and I fold my plate and napkin with a sigh.

Time to stop running.

Well—afterI jog back to the dorm, the rain getting heavier and heavier until my sundress is sodden and sticking to my thighs. By the time I burst through the dorm door, strands of my hair are plastered to my cheeks, and I’m breathing hard and shivering like crazy.

Some of the girls fuss over me when they see my drowned rat act, offering to grab towels and boil hot water for tea, but Iwave them all off and shuffle to mine and Eden’s room, my shoes squelching.

When I push the door open, I fully expect to be hit by the memory of Ambrose in here, pulling up a chair to the bed. Every minute I spend in here these days, it’s difficult to think of anything else. What Idon’texpect is to find the man himself, standing awkwardly with his hands shoved in his pockets, while Eden works at her desk with big, boxy headphones on.

As soon as I open the door, Eden turns around and they both speak at once.

“Lane, sweetheart—”

“He insisted on waiting, but I didn’t leave him alone in here, I promise.”

“What on earth? You’re shivering—”

“I can kick him out if you like.”

“Here, you need to get warm.”

I stand there like an idiot as Ambrose grabs my towel off the back of my desk chair, then crosses the room in three strides and wraps it around my shoulders. He’s staring down at me with such fierce concern, fussing over me and squeezing the moisture from my hair with a corner of the towel, and oh god. Oh god.

He doesn’t want me.

Does he?

“Wherewereyou?” Ambrose says, and he sounds so agonized, I have the weird urge to comforthim.“I’ve been calling and calling.”

“Sounds like you should take a hint,” Eden says, but I shoot her a wobbly smile past Ambrose’s shoulder, trying to reassure my friend. I don’t really mind that my tutor kept calling, even if I didn’t answer.Especiallysince I didn’t answer.

Jeez, I’m as dramatic as the acting students sometimes.

“So, should I…” Eden widens her eyes, then looks pointedly at the door. I shrug helplessly, then nod.

“Please,” I say. “I’ll make it up to you, I promise.”

My roomie gathers up her laptop, her notepad, and her giant mug of coffee. “No need. But Iwillbe right down the hall if you need anything.”

Those words are directed at Ambrose—a clear threat. It’s like a kitten growling at a panther, and I press my lips together to fight a laugh. “Thank you.”

As soon as the door clicks shut behind Eden, Ambrose crushes me to his chest, wrapping me tightly in his arms. And I’m soaked through and definitely leaving a huge wet patch on his button-down shirt, but my tutor doesn’t seem to care.

“I messed up,” he says, pressing the words against the top of my head. His breath is hot and tickly, and I squirm closer, slotting the tip of my icy nose into the hollow of his throat. Ambrose chafes my bare arms, trying to warm me up.

“I’m so sorry, Lane. I thought you weren’t serious about me, and I lashed out, trying to protect my ridiculous ego. Of course I don’t want this to end. Of course I love you. For goodness’ sake, sweetheart, how did you get so cold? Where did you go? No, wait, you don’t have to tell me. But fuck, I’ve been so worried.”

Okay,nowI feel kinda bad for ignoring my phone.

“I just wandered around town for a few hours. I wanted to stay away from campus and forget about… about everything. For a little while. But I got caught in the rain on the way home.”

My words are muffled against Ambrose’s chest, and his hum reverberates against my chin.

“Your roommate thinks I’m a stalker. I’ve been waiting here for hours, asking her where you might have gone.”
