Page 17 of Alaric

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He created things meant to get women hot.

It made sense that he might… do more personal things with them.

It was naive to think otherwise.

I couldn’t seem to shake the jealousy I felt, though, as I stared at his live symbol.

When the chat request pop up, I was so startled I nearly dropped my tablet.

I expected one of my regular guys. Ones who knew and played by the rules. They just wanted a quick video of my feet moving around, my toes wiggling.

Yes, I understood why.

No, I felt absolutelynothingabout that like I had with the helmet-hidden-biker.

But to my utter shock, it wasn’t a regular.

It was him.

And as soon as I clickedAccept, his video request came in.

Heat bloomed through my core as I shifted the tablet to my feet, even as the strange urge to let him see more almost had me shifting the focus.

In the end, though, I reminded myself how important it was to me that none of this actually traced back. I didn’t know exactly what the future held for me, but I did know that having adult content had cost many people their “straight” jobs when an employer did a little research into them.

His video feed popped up, and I saw his hand already closed around his hard cock in another pair of thin pajama pants, these ones a dark blue that hid a lot more than the gray ones had, and I felt immediately frustrated at not getting to see more of him.

The chat bubble started, and then the words were on the screen next to his video feed.

I was hoping you’d be on again…

My belly flip-flopped at that, even as my rational brain tried to remind me that it was his literal job to flirt with me, to sell the fantasy. That I was aclientto him.

I couldn’t help the way my body heated, how my skin went electric at just knowing he was there.

Maybe that was all this was.


With another living human being.

Attention, albeitpaidattention, from a man.

I shook my head, trying to knock the thoughts free.

I didn’t want to think.

I wanted to feel.

I wanted to experience this, one last time, with this guy.

He didn’t type anything to me again.

But his hand shifted on his cock, his thumb rubbing back and forth across the tip.

I hadn’t been aware I was already so wrapped up until I heard a soft whimper escape me.

As quiet as it was, the tablet was close to my face, and the mic must have picked the sound up, because he let out a sound that was almost like a pained growl.
