Page 52 of Knot Tied

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“Or we could head to town for a drink,” Julian says with a hopeful look in his eyes.

“Will Caleb let you go?” Oliver asks with a chuckle.

“He can come with us,” says Julian, sitting on Caleb’s lap.

“Ugh! He’s no fun,” Simon says, making a face. “What about Raiden? Is he around?”

“Nah, he’s gone to headquarters with Damon,” says Julian.

Identical frowns appear on the twins’ faces. “Dang!” they both chorus at the exact same time.

“It’s better to avoid going out until we’ve sorted this matter out,” Seth says, staring grimly between his brothers and Julian. “Senator Vaughn is alert now. He knows we’ll be keeping an eye on him after last night’s incident. He might even try to attack us to stop us from going after him.”

“I hate to admit it when Big Bruh’s right but we need to be on high alert,” Oliver says through gritted teeth. “Maybe it wasn’t such a great idea to bring Rory out in the open. They want her because she’s the only lead they have to find the rest of the rescued omegas. We can’t let them get their paws on her again.”

A sliver of anxiety snakes around my neck. If Oliver is getting worried, the situation is truly dangerous.

“I’ll send our men to escort you back home,” Caleb says.

“I’d appreciate that,” Seth says, his expression lightening up. “Thank you.”

“Would you guys fucking hurry up with catching these assholes?” Julian shouts. Pure rage screws up his pretty face. “I’m sick of hiding because of them.”

“They’re doing their best,” says Iris. Taking a deep breath, she moves closer to him and kisses his cheek. “Come on. You can have a drink and hang out with the twins right here.”

Julian scoffs but lets Iris continue to cajole him with kisses.

I’ve never seen two omegas being in love like this. We’re territorial when it comes to laying claims on our alphas. It’s surreal to see Julian being so accepting of Iris and letting her be a part of the pack.

“Would you like to help me bring out the drinks?” Iris says, breaking me out of my thoughts.

“Sure,” I readily agree.

Leaving my mates behind, I follow her down an inner hallway.

“How’re you doing?” she asks in a soft voice.

“I feel worried,” I answer honestly. “When I asked Simon to bring me here to see you, I didn’t think we were in so much danger.”

“You’re safe here,” she says, wrapping an arm around my shoulders. “No one will dare to attack us here.”

The scent of roses and summer berries wafts into my nostrils. It’s the most exotic, alluring fragrance I’ve sensed on an omega.

“You smell amazing,” I blurt, unconsciously inhaling another whiff of her intoxicating scent.

She chuckles and tightens her arm around me. Her warm gesture immediately puts me at ease. It’s hard to believe such a sweet woman could be lethal enough to bring down an alpha like Nox Callahan.

A tangy, spicy smell hits my nostrils the moment we enter the kitchen. “What’ve you been cooking?”

“Oven-baked barbecued wings,” she says, hurrying across the room. “I think they’re ready.”

Opening the oven, she brings out a massive tray of sizzling chicken wings.

“Wow, these look amazing,” I gush as my mouth waters at the sight and smell.

“Grab that plate for me,” she says, gesturing toward the opposite counter.

Hurrying forward, I bring her the platter.
