Page 111 of Fake Empire

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I don’t answer, just look out the window.

He sighs, heavy and exhausted. “Do you want some chicken?”

“Yes. And a chocolate milkshake.” This sounds like the sort of place that would have milkshakes.

He looks at me. “I don’t think they’ll have a dairy-free version.”

I almost smile. “I know.”

He drops the keys in the cupholder. “Okay. I’ll be right back.”

I stare out at the passing cars as his door opens and shuts. Plastic crinkles as my foot brushes the bag in the footwell, taunting me. I’m ninety-eight percent certain I’m pregnant. Now that I have the tests, it seems silly to say anything until I know for sure. On the two percent chance I’m not, it will complicate things between us unnecessarily. Complicate things more than the mess my confusing behavior has already caused.

Crew’s return comes with the mouth-watering aroma of fried chicken. He hands me a container and sets a to-go cup in the cupholder. “I got it with maple butter. I hope that’s…” He trails off when he realizes I’m already devouring it. “…okay.”

I don’t know if it’s because I’m starving or because I’m probably pregnant or because I’m craving comfort food, but the fried chicken tastes like the best thing I’ve ever eaten. The coating is salty and crisp, and the maple butter is sweet and smoky. I inhale three pieces without breathing and then wash it down with a sip of chocolatey heaven.


I groan and he smiles.

The drive back to the penthouse is silent. Crew parks in the garage and we walk toward the elevator side by side. It feels like days since we left, not hours.

Once we’re inside the elevator, I step forward to swipe the card for the penthouse. When I glance at Crew, he’s looking down. I follow his gaze. The thin white plastic I’m holding does nothing to hide the purple letters spelling outPregnancy Test.

“You’re pregnant?” Crew’s voice is quiet. Calm. Unreadable. I didn’t expect excitement, but I expectedsomeemotion. Instead, the question sounds like it was spoken by a robot. Smooth and unfeeling.

“I don’t know,” I reply. I overcompensate for his lack of emotion with some snark. “That’s what the test is for.”

“You think you’re pregnant?”

“Well, I’m not taking them forfun,” I snap. His fingers tighten around the car keys he’s holding. I soften my tone, trying to act like apathy and rational questions were the response I was hoping for. “My period is late and I keep throwing up my breakfast. So yeah, I think I’m pregnant.”

He releases a long exhale. “Wow.”

That word lingers in the air between us for the rest of the ride up. The doors slide open, revealing the familiar entryway. I don’t make it more than a few steps inside before he says my name. It’s followed by a warm palm that wraps around my forearm and pulls me around to face him. All I can see is blue, his gaze is that intense.



He closes his eyes, then opens them, probably praying for patience. I know I’m being short and unreasonable, buthedoesn’t get to be the one freaking out about this. I’m the one whose body will change. “You can’t tell me you might be pregnant and walk off. That’s not the way this marriage works.”

“Howdoesit work then, Crew? If Iampregnant, what do you want me to do? Do you want me to wrap up a stick I peed on like a Christmas present? Wait and see if you notice in a few months? I made nice with all of your fans tonight and you’re getting laid and I’ll probably be popping out an heir for you soon. What else do you want from me?”

The line of his jaw turns taut. “I want you to take the test, Scarlett. And then show me what it says, so I don’t spend all night wondering.”

I’m in the mood for a fight, but he’s being annoyingly easy-going all of a sudden. “Fine.” I spin and stalk in the direction of our bedroom, the sharp corners of the boxes swinging against my legs with each step.

The plastic handle digs into my palm. I thought it would be a relief, Crew knowing. Thought it would save me the dilemma of telling him a definitive answer if he knew and asked. I didn’t consider it would mean he’d be here when I found out. That there would be no chance to absorb the news myself before seeing his reaction.

The thud of his footsteps stays a steady trail behind me as I reach the stairs and climb to the second floor. The bedroom door is slightly ajar. I push it all the way open, dropping the plastic bag on the floor before kicking my heels off by the chaise lounge and stretching my toes.

Best feeling ever.

My feet sink into the soft rug as I find the zipper of my dress and pull it down. Silk pools around my ankles.

Crew’s footfalls have stopped. I can feel his eyes on me, sweeping my bare skin with silent awareness.
