Page 24 of Fake Empire

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Oliver nods. “He held out for longer than I expected him to.”

“Me too,” I agree.

Dave reappears with ropes and harnesses for a short tutorial on what we’re supposed to do in order to leave the ground. Despite Jeremy’s misgivings, Dave seems knowledgeable. I’m more concerned with the woman beside me than Dave’s laid-back personality. If anything, his ease is a welcome addition to the group. Scarlett seems to be growing tenser by the second.

Once the demonstration ends, we’re sent off to a corner of the gym. Asher immediately starts climbing while Jeremy spots him. Oliver is further down, talking with Dave. Probably trying to get out of doing this.

Scarlett clips on her harness and stares up at the rock face that extends fifty feet up in the air. I stare at her. She looks over suddenly, catching me studying her profile.

“Well?” I prompt.


“Well, are you going to climb the damn thing or not?” I drawl.

“Give me a minute,” she snaps.

“For what? The wall isright in front of you. Just grab a handle and get started. It’s easy.”

“I never said it was hard!”

“Then why aren’t you climbing?”


I scoff. “Preparing for what?”

“Preparing to put my life in your less than capable hands. I’m not exactly overflowing with confidence in your ability to catch me.”

“You’re wearing a harness attached to a rope above a foam mat.Of courseI’m not going to catch you. Don’t be ridiculous.”

“With charm like that, it’s shocking anyone tells you no,” she retorts. Her words are sharp and her stance is confrontational. But there’s something hovering beneath the annoyance, obvious in the way she won’t meet my gaze and is fiddling with the strap of the harness.

“Tell me what’s really wrong,” I demand.

“I told you, I’m—”


Her teeth sink into the full, bright red of her lower lip. I’ve avoided looking at her mouth. The last time I paid it too close attention, I almost kissed her. I’m about to say her name again when she answers. “I’m apprehensive about being too high off the ground.”

The meaning sinks in slowly. “You’re scared of heights,” I realize, then laugh. “Are you kidding me?”

“That isnotwhat I said,” Scarlett replies hotly. “I just—”

“Six one way, half-dozen the other,” I respond. “Sayit however you want, that’s what you meant.”

She considers that. “Fine. Heights aren’t my favorite.”

I laugh again. “Unbelievable. You’re reallythatstubborn? You came to a climbing gym and you’re scared of heights?”

“One, you’re not Mr. Easy Going yourself. Two, I didn’t know we were going to a rock-climbing gym. Your misogynistic friend didn’t specify when he invited me.”

“Asher is far from a misogynist. He loves women.”

Scarlett rolls her eyes. “Loving women and respecting women are two different things.”

I feel a sudden urge to defend Asher, despite the fact he’s the reason I’m standing here arguing with her. “He respects women too.”
