Page 80 of Runemaster

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She glanced about for some way to use this new development to her advantage. There were no weapons about, no small rocks that might serve as a substitute. They intended to have her lie down close to the perimeter of the chamber, the wall lined with towers of limestone built by centuries of dripping mineral water. There happened to be space behind the towers, however.


Anrid swiveled her attention back to him. “I need to relieve myself,” she blurted so loudly her voice echoed around the cavern and frightened some flying creature in the depths. “And I wish to sleep behind those rocks. Allow me that dignity, at the very least. I am yet unmarried and unaccustomed to sleeping in the presence of...” She swept a hand to indicate the lot of them.

The elf watching her looked over his shoulder to seek permission. Talos stared at her, unblinking, expressionless, but he offered a curt nod before returning to his own repast, which looked sizable compared to what Anrid and Kora had been offered.

Without waiting for him to change his mind, Anrid fled for the stone columns and disappeared behind them. A twinge inside reminded her she did have a pressing need to attend to.

She waited for what felt like several hours. One of the guards came to check on her after a short while, to make sure she was sleeping. She’d crawled as far down the narrow crevice behind the columns as she thought they’d allow and laid down, pretending to sleep. She blew from her mouth, hoping the gentle rise and fall of her body in steady breaths would convince them she had dozed.

Footsteps peeled away from her and she sagged in relief.

She waited much longer and listened to the quiet murmur of voices. Only once the cavern had fallen silent and remained so for a good while did she dare ease to her knees and begin to work her way deeper into the crevice, toward Kora. She hoped the gap would allow her to come out close to him. If she could sneak to him and untie his hands, he could go for help.

Rock dug into her hands and the soft places of her belly and thighs as she wiggled onward, praying against hope that it would spit her out in a useful place. At last, the ground eased upward and she caught flickering blue lights reflecting off the wall of the cavern as she bellied her way out of her hiding place. She could see the dark elves laid out around a small fire. One guard sat with his side to her, arms folded as he stared unseeing into the fire.

Exhaling a silent breath, she searched the shadows for Kora.

There, only a few yards away.

He still sat, bound, leaning against the wall. He appeared still and at ease, but there was something too tense and alert about his posture for him to be asleep. She nibbled on her lip before easing out of her hiding place and angling along the wall toward him. She took great care to remain in the shadows as best as she could. Kora’s head whipped toward her before she’d crossed half the distance. He swept an anxious look toward the elves and appeared of half a mind to send her back, but she crawled stubbornly onward and eased up beside him. He said nothing but leaned forward and allowed her to claw at the thin ropes behind his wrists.

Curses—blood caked his forearms, the bindings so tight they’d cut into his flesh. Her stomach twisted as she pulled at the knots in an attempt to free him. How could she have ever imagined she would align herself with these people? Had they no mercy? No decency?

By the time she freed Kora’s wrists, her fingers ached, and she could feel cuts on her fingertips and blood caking her nails: Kora’s as well as her own. The goblin prince made no sound as he flexed his hands and let the ropes fall free. Still, he remained as he was, unmoving. She caught his gaze and held it before flicking her eyes toward the tunnel they’d come through. He shook his head.

Stubborn fool.

She glared and pointed toward the tunnel. Help, she mouthed.

Another shake of the head pulled a grunt of displeasure from her. He shifted one arm to jab her collar bone with a hard finger and then point toward Medda. Understanding flooded her. She appreciated that he was loath to leave them in danger while he slipped away to safety.

But didn’t he realize they couldn’t come with him?

Medda needs help, she mouthed with exaggerated precision. Healer. Healer. Medda needs healer.

His brows twisted together as his nostrils flared in irritation. He didn’t like it, but he had to realize she was right. As much as she might wish otherwise, Anrid and Medda couldn’t go with him.

They were destined for another path, one that led onward, deeper into the unknown, deeper into danger.

A startled cry echoed through the cavern. Their heads whipped toward the campsite, where the guard had lurched to his feet and now moved toward them.

“Go!” Anrid screamed, shoving Kora hard on the shoulder. He rolled to his feet but hesitated as if torn between what he knew he should do and what he wanted to. “Go, go!”

Casting her one last anguished look, Kora sprinted toward the tunnel.

Anrid scrambled to her feet and darted to intercept the elf, to distract him in any way she could. He flung out an arm to push her away, but Anrid ducked and threw her arms around his waist, clinging to his sinewy frame. He staggered beneath their combined weight and went down on one knee. Nails dug into her shoulder and then her arms as he tried to tear her loose.

Her arms began to tremble, and she knew she couldn’t hold out much longer. With her face pressed against his ribcage, she had no other means to defend herself, no means to attack. Other than her teeth. She cringed from the thought but then sank her teeth into the tender flesh covering his ribs. She got mostly fabric, but she bit hard enough to startle him. He slammed down with an elbow, hard, and caught the hollow between her neck and bruised shoulder so hard she almost blacked out. Her arms fell away. A boot caught her in the stomach. Pain exploded as she rolled and skidded down a sharp angle in the floor and up against the cavern wall. Her shaking hand splayed against the cold stone to brace herself.

Help. She pressed her forehead against the limestone wall and reached deep inside herself. She knew it was still there, her connection to the Bifrost. It surged, that tie that bound her to Agmon. The deep places of the earth groaned as the connection flared stronger.

She could almost feel the icy heat ripping through rock and limestone, through cavern and earth as the Bifrost surged to come to her. Jagged rivers of light began to tear the cavern open. Screams echoed from behind her as she pushed herself to her knees and twisted to squint toward the elves, toward Medda.

But she saw only a pair of dark boots hugging well-formed legs. Hands caught her roughly under the arms and yanked her to her feet. She stumbled to maintain her balance as he all but threw her away from the cavern wall. His hand splayed across the back of her neck and shoved her to her knees, which met the uneven ground with agonizing force. She caught herself with both palms on the ground just before she faceplanted.

Jael, where are you?
