Page 123 of Of Faith & Flame

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He’d been a different man when Blair had handed it to him. Duty above all else, frustrated beyond belief.

Now he knew that what he wanted mattered more, that his duty didn’t define him.

Evelyn’s eyes widened. She stared at the necklace, silent, and then laughed. She laughed so hard she cried, grabbing hold of the necklace and staring at it as if it might disappear.

“Ev, what is it?”

“Do you know what this is?”

“Your muince, yes,” he said. “Blair gave it to me.”

“Yes, you’re right, Kade,” she said. “But do you know what it can do?”

Evelyn laughed again, lacing the necklace around her neck. His silence was her answer.

“It tracks the whereabouts of whoever has it,” she said.

Kade held Evelyn tighter, shaking his head. “Evelyn, I swear to you, I never knew.”

She put a finger on his lips and planted a small kiss on his cheek. “I know, Kade, and knowing my sister, I am sure she left that detail out on purpose.”

“You don’t seem mad enough,” Kade said, searching her face.

In fact, Evelyn appeared lighter. Relieved.

She held the pendant in her fingers. “You’ve been in Callum for months, which means Blair has probably known you found me. Storm season may have prevented my coven or your pack coming for us, but storm season ended over a week ago. If they aren’t here or haven’t sent word, I don’t think they’re coming at all.”

“Which means?”

Evelyn sighed. “Blair probably didn’t tell anyone she knew where you were. It also means Blair forgives me for leaving, and she respects my decision to return home when I am ready.”

“And are you ready, Ev?” Kade asked, pulling her into him, resting his forehead on hers.

Before she said anything, an urgent knock sounded at the door. Evelyn shared a nervous glance with Kade, and he feared the worst, thanks to the last few weeks. Yet, they’d killed the White Lady. Another murder hadn’t occurred. He hoped. Evelyn moved off him as another knock sounded on the door.

“Coming!” Kade said.

He threw on the closest trousers he could find, and Evelyn wrapped a wool blanket over her, staying in bed as he answered the door. A hooked-nose man stood there, waiting. Kade recognized him as the courier from weeks ago, a letter in hand.

“Kade Drengr, is it?” the man asked.

“It is, yes.”

The man nodded, stretching out his hand. The navy wax seal caught Kade’s attention. He’d recognize that crest anywhere.

“Miss Patricia said I’d find ya here. Have a good day.” He sauntered down the steps.

Kade held the letter, the weight of it heavy, as if the words it held amounted to an omen.

He shut the door, unfolding the letter as he did so. Evelyn rose from the bed, joining him in the center of the apartment.

“Kade, what is it?” Evelyn said.

It was addressed to him, and he read over the words written in Eldrick’s hand. Neat and tiny. He read the letter a second time. Only on the third time did it all make sense for Kade. The words began to blur, the news they reported tilting his world off-kilter.

“Kade?” Evelyn asked, taking a step forward.

“My father,” Kade said, looking up at her and away from the words breaking his heart. “He’s dead.”
