Page 33 of Of Faith & Flame

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Chapter Twelve


Evelyn Carson cared.

From the moment she’d set foot in the McCarthys’ cottage, she’d been conscious of their grief, and tactful when asking questions. Kade found his preconceived notions of his betrothed being challenged, and he liked it.

Liked her.

And then she’d wanted to get the McCarthys food and anything the nearest village could offer. She’d grabbed fresh milk, eggs, tea, and even visited the butcher for stew meat. She picked up blankets, carried as much firewood in her arms as she could. Her kindness reached others. Once they heard who the items were for, they came and offered their own contributions.

Kade knew she couldn’t afford to be spending the amount she did. She’d never taken money from her accounts back home in Sorin, according to her sisters. Sure, she’d sold the moonstones throughout the towns she’d traveled through, but he imagined the profit she’d made ran low.

Yet, it didn’t matter.

Evelyn never hesitated once when getting things for the McCarthys. She’d ignored him when he offered to buy something, only asking him to load up Bleu like a traveling mule, the horse less than thrilled as his saddle became wider and heavier. It was a two-mile walk back from the nearest village. She didn’t once stumble or complain as they returned on foot in the evening light.

By the time they parted from the McCarthys, who hugged Evelyn fiercely with gratitude and couldn’t stop their thanks, night had officially overtaken the hills of Callum.

“It’ll be too dark for Bleu to take us back to Callum’s harbor,” he said. “We might have to stay in the village tonight. I saw a small inn at the edge of town.”

Evelyn nodded. “All right. Maybe we can ask those in the village if they’ve seen anything tomorrow.”

“Good idea.”

They turned north instead of south. The wind whooshed, and Bleu’s hooves clobbered on the path. The stars above blinked into existence. The moon, a pearly crescent in the sky, illuminated the path in a silvery hue. Evelyn, with her dark hair, obsidian like the midnight hour, and blue eyes that favored gray, looked ethereal. Kade found himself staring, ensnared by her likeness to the night.

Moons, where would they be now if he’d disobeyed the Elders and gone to meet her before their union? If they’d met as Kade and Evelyn, he wouldn’t have denied his attraction to her, and that would’ve been a dangerous distraction. Except. . .

She left.

Kade still harbored anger, but it was waning like the moon above. The more he watched, the more he learned about Evelyn Carson, the more his anger transformed to curiosity, and tonight he’d at least learned Evelyn wasn’t doing this for the money, despite what she’d told him at the Runaway Radish.

Her lie made him all the more curious. Why lie? Why was she doing any of this? If she cared so much, why had she left?

Kade didn’t ask any of his burning questions, remembering that he was Cyrus and she was Saige. He needed to wait. Solve this murder. And maybe gain her trust along the way.

The village came into view. After dropping Bleu off at the stables, Kade and Evelyn each secured rooms at the inn. Compared to the Runaway Radish, the patrons were quieter in the tavern with no live music.

“Potato soup is on the menu. Can I fetch you some bowls?” a barmaid asked.

Kade nodded. “You?”

Evelyn nodded too. “I’m going to freshen up really quick. Save me a seat?”

“Sure. Honeysuckle wine?”

Evelyn smiled, her eyes brightening. “Absolutely. Thank you.”

She hurried off, her boots and cape muddied from their journey. Kade sat at the bar top, ordering himself a pint alongside Evelyn’s honeysuckle wine.

“Are you the huntsman?” a woman’s voice said next to him.

She was a few years younger than him, perhaps. Her cheeks were rosy, as if she’d run through the cold. She twisted her hands together, and Kade’s wolf hearing picked up her nervous heartbeat, pattering away.

“I am.” He turned away from the girl and glanced back down the hall but caught no sign of Evelyn.

“My name is Penny. I am—was—a friend of McKenna’s.”
