Page 63 of Of Faith & Flame

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“You must.”

Her innate magic warred within her. Tears streamed down her face, the pain of the lake on her ankles, pulling her back.

Fear flashed across Cyrus’s face. He pulled her so close, their foreheads touched. For a moment, the world stilled. It was just the two of them, holding on to each other.

“I’ve seen your power and strength,” he whispered. “You’re magnificent and you must believe.”

Evelyn’s breath shuddered. Such familiar words sank deep into her bones and reached for her heart. Words her father had used moments before he died, and a mantra her one kind tutor had used. Words often overshadowed by the terrors of her past.

An ancient chant, chilly like the air and haunting like the eerie land, sounded around them. She cringed in pain as the lake continued to pull, but she wouldn’t let it take her.

Not today.

Evelyn channeled deep, reaching far within herself. Cyrus’s words helped her reach that magnificent part. Her flame. A kernel of it flickered in greeting, awaiting Evelyn’s grasp.

“You need to let me go,” Evelyn said. “Grab your sword.”

Cyrus pulled her closer, and Bleu took a mighty step up shore. “You must think I’m mad if—”

“Cyrus,” she said. She darted her eyes toward his sword to the left of him. The silver blade glinted in the lapping water, the handle begging to be held. He would have to let go of Evelyn to grab it.

Evelyn’s being beamed with something new. No fear. No doubt. Nothing but resilience.

“Trust me,” she said.

Conflict warred in his eyes as he looked between his sword and Evelyn. Seconds ticked by.

“Do it,” she said.

Chapter Twenty-Five


Kade released Evelyn and scrambled for his sword. Heat, light, and power unleashed in his peripheral vision. He took hold of his sword and turned back to Evelyn, her entire being engulfed in flame.

Flame danced at her fingertips. It whooshed her hair wildly. Red flame, blue eyes, black hair, the contrast both drastic and beautiful. Flame cascaded from her limbs and chest, hovering over the water and burning away the darkness, driving it from the shoreline. Bleu neighed furiously, as if cheering her on.

The kelpie manifested with the water again, rising into a giant humanoid figure. Its arms dragged across the surface, its faceless head tilting back and wailing. The very earth shook with the dark, ancient magic.

Water and fire intertwined. The kelpie hunched over, sinking into the lake as Evelyn’s flame pushed it deeper and deeper. In one last effort, the kelpie reached out its watery hand. Kade took a single step aside Evelyn, swiped down and then back up. The kelpie’s limb burst into water droplets, the dark magic dissipating into the wind like black smoke. The land quaked and shuddered as the kelpie fell under the lake’s surface for the final time, bubbles bursting and hissing with steam.

Evelyn brought back her magic, the chanting in the air dying down as she did so. Flame dove into her chest, and Kade overflowed with admiration. It overshadowed his questions, his demands, his frustration with her secrets. He wanted to reach out to her. Touch her to make sure she was okay.

Moons, he wanted to . . .

Dark clouds rolled over the hills. Thunder announced rain.

Evelyn grabbed his hand and led him from the lake. “We must go. The darkness isn’t done yet.”

They retreated. Eeriness still lingered. Rain spilled. The sky stormed. Cyrus, Evelyn, and Bleu rushed from Lake Glenn, unsure if they heard the symphony of drums beginning or the thunderclaps of the storm above.

Chapter Twenty-Six


Thump. Thump. Thump.

All around Evelyn, there was beating.
