Page 73 of Of Faith & Flame

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A part of her relished that he didn’t see her as Daughter of the Goddess, that he’d established a perspective without her title, her fate, marring his opinion of her. Another part of her worried about how he’d react when she finally told him who she was. How would things change between them? Evelyn recentered on the task at hand, storing the elements of her complicated relationship for later.

Her orb of fire followed her through the gap, illuminating the crooked white trees scattered about. Soft moss and blackened dirt covered the forest floor. Slivers of sunlight peeked through, these trees taller and the canopy less tight. Relief coursed through Evelyn. They still had time.

Evelyn faced Cyrus again, taking in his golden features—tanned skin, golden brown hair, amber eyes. In the light of her floating fire orb, he appeared ethereal and bright. His jaw ticked and his eyes blazed, as if at any moment he planned to barge through the branches.

“There’s nothing here,” she said. “Relax.”

Cyrus didn’t falter, unconvinced. He tracked Evelyn’s movements as she placed a hand on each side of the tunnel gap. She reminded herself that her flame, a warm fiery magic, was still energy. She channeled that simple essence, connecting it with the energy of the forest.

It answered, linking with her magic. She sensed that pain again as if the forest wanted her to, and Evelyn brushed a gentle caress of her magic, giving some to the Gray Wood in an exchange for the request to grow.

The branches answered, the trees creaking and cracking as they widened.

Chapter Thirty-One


Stars above, relax?

Nothing in Kade’s entire being could relax.

His heart raced with each passing second he was separated from Evelyn. His werewolf pushed against his skin, demanding to be released, needing to be by her side again. Protecting. Guiding. Near her. He pushed through the moment the trees widened enough and released a silent sigh of relief.

Evelyn’s magic buzzed through the air, and even though her bracelet blocked most of her witch, his wolf was on high alert, reaching out to be sure she was close.

Maybe it was the unease that made his hackles rise. Maybe it was the low-hanging, thick canopy crowding in on him. It was like being trapped in a box. Unleashing his werewolf form wouldn’t do him any favors in a place like this. It left him unable to protect Evelyn, and that didn’t sit right.

He rose to his full height but kept his attention alert and his stance ready for battle, assessing the area around them like a beast in the night.

“Let’s keep moving,” Kade said.

Evelyn didn’t object as he took the lead this time and she followed, silent and stealthy. Kade hoped it was because she didn’t doubt his trust, his belief in her. He’d meant what he’d said. What she could become, what they could be together, what she meant to him. Believing in the possibilities scared the shit out of him.

Because he still didn’t know why she left, and he wasn’t convinced he could tell her who he really was. He had his duty to think of: bringing her home.

Ahead, the woods stopped to reveal a drop-off, and the light and smell of burning wood assaulted Kade’s senses. They reached the edge. Anxiety pinched through his skin, his wolf almost vibrating to join them.

Evelyn came around, her eyes growing wide. He covered her mouth with his hand, stifling her audible gasp. Kade pulled her into his chest, Evelyn’s heartbeat ricocheting through his ribcage as they assessed the situation below.

A young woman with the red hair of a Byrne knelt before a block of stone, blindfolded and hands bound behind her. Tessa. She shook, her shoulders shivering, her head twisting frantically. Kade’s werewolf sight noticed the rusty stains left on the chopping block and growled.

Faeries didn’t live in Sorin. They were the ancients of Torren that Kade had only read about in books, but he’d never seen a depiction of the Far Darrig before. They were short, appearing to reach the height of a human’s knee. Large eyes, rosy cheeks, hair the color of snow. Each of them wore rags for clothes and matching red caps.

They gathered around the platform where Tessa knelt. Four surrounded her, one holding an ax three times its height. At the farthest end, a single Far Darrig stood alone. He wore a long, gaudy cape threaded with gold and a red cap larger than the others’.

Kade focused on holding Evelyn, the rise and fall of her chest against his forearm calming his werewolf, which was ready to fight the darkness.

“We need to do something,” Evelyn said, pushing against his hold.

“Wait,” he said. “We need to think about this.”

“We do not have time!”

Moons, save him, Evelyn’s will to protect others challenged his own when he wanted to protect her more. It was maddening.

He took a deep breath. “We are clearly outnumbered.”

Evelyn gestured to his build. “You are literally the size of ten of them!”
