Page 77 of Of Faith & Flame

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Kade grabbed Evelyn’s hand, and she grabbed Tessa’s. Together, the three of them ran through the Gray Wood, following the sides of the tunnel for guidance. It widened, the roots receded, and the canopy opened. Dusk broke over the hills beyond, illuminating the exit in a peachy pink.

As they emerged, the sunlight shimmered over the Byrne farmland like a beacon of hope. Breathless, covered in ash, they all fell onto the plush green grass.

Kade held Evelyn’s hand, blinking away the stinging in his eyes, never daring to let go. By the way she squeezed his fingers, she didn’t seem keen to let go any time soon either. They locked eyes.

Kade sucked in a breath. This. Their hands joined. Working together. Was this even about duty anymore? Or was this about what he wanted? At first, he had thought them the same. Find Evelyn. Convince her they could work together. Bring her home. Except he had proven they worked well together, and he hadn’t admitted the truth. He still wanted to fulfill his duty with her now more than ever, but the idea felt far away, distant. Different. Not them. Realization quickened his heart, had him squeezing Evelyn’s hand tighter.

Behind them, the Gray Wood groaned and crashed.

Evelyn whirled to the trees, her mouth agape. A final touch, like thank you, tickled around them. It caressed Kade, and must’ve touched Evelyn too, because her eyes shut in contentment, a small smile stretching her rosy lips.

Stars above, he wanted to kiss her. To tell her how proud he was of her. And that he needed to—

“If the Gods aren’t already talking about the two of you, they damn well are now,” Tessa said, staring at them both with eyes wide and a brow raised. Her red hair was wild in the wind.

Wild and free.

Evelyn snatched her hand from Kade’s, angling her body away as she reached out to help Tessa stand. His betrothed’s heart hammered in her chest, as fast as a doe fleeing a wolf.

Horses galloped over the hills. The Byrne family rushed to Tessa. She broke from Evelyn and embraced Aaron, fierce and desperate, tears of happiness streaming down both their faces.

One by one they hugged Evelyn, shook Kade’s hand, praised them and gave their thanks. Commissioner Doyle applauded their bravery, but all the while, Kade couldn’t stop staring at Evelyn, conflicted now more than ever on what to do.

Tessa’s words hadn’t been far off the truth. The God and Goddess had spoken of him and Evelyn for some time now. But they weren’t Evelyn Carson and Kade Drengr. Evelyn wasn’t falling for him—not really. She was falling for Cyrus Skender, a huntsman. How would she react if she learned who he really was? She had run from her duty in Sorin, and yet he still didn’t know why. What if she’d run from him, run from Kade, her betrothed?

He feared that was why. He feared how she’d react to the truth. He feared losing her. And Kade’s fear paralyzed him.

Chapter Thirty-Four


Evelyn and Kade found lodging at an inn in Dinberry to rest for the night before heading back to Callum.

In a steaming tub, Evelyn scrubbed from her aching feet to her stiff thighs, over her rounded shoulders and down her sore biceps. Her sponge snagged on her wrist, and a snap echoed in the tub. Evelyn’s magic fluttered around her, her enchanted bracelet floating near her breast in the sudsy water. For a breath, Evelyn stared at the severed leather until her heartbeat thudded rapidly like drums in her ears. She dropped the sponge and grabbed the bracelet, inspecting the frayed edge.

Scorched black, it must’ve caught fire and loosened without her knowing it in the Gray Wood. Bare, open, unhidden. Fucking flames. Evelyn hadn’t been without it in over two years. A witch or werewolf could sense her now, her magic detectable.

Why did she feel light without it instead of skin-prickling anxiety? She hadn’t moved from the tub, hadn’t checked the lock on her door. She slumped back into the tub, stretching out her body in the warm water, stretching out the sense of being free and unafraid.

Hours later, clean, full, and with her wrist now bare for the time being, Evelyn fought sleep, restless and riled.

She and Kade had saved Tessa, successfully staying one step ahead of the vampyr’s plan, whatever that was. Yet, Evelyn felt their victory was overshadowed by the ever-wavering doom of who she was.

Perhaps she did not need the bracelet now, did not need to hide and run. She’d defeated the Far Darrig without her flame, after all, with nothing but her own wits, courage, and magic. If she could do that, perhaps she would not fail to protect her people if she returned to them.

Ever since she’d been a little girl, she’d been defined by her Goddess-given gift. That was why she was “Daughter of the Goddess.” With her birth order as a protector and with her flame, she’d defeat the darkness.

Alongside Kade Drengr.

A pang twisted in Evelyn’s gut. A certain huntsman’s amber eyes made her forget her betrothed, title, and even the prophecy. Cyrus had not left her side until they parted to sleep at the inn in Dinberry but had said little. So much had transpired between them. Evelyn ran her hand down her face, thinking of their moment in the tunnels of the Gray Wood, warmth spreading to her belly at Cyrus’s admission of feelings.

She worried Cyrus would ask more questions or make conclusions on his own and learn who she actually was. What would he do? What would he think? Evelyn closed her eyes, frustrated. She wanted to tell him, to trust him enough to reveal her secrets, but her all-familiar doubt withered those desires. What if he judged her for failing her parents? For running from her people? Could she stomach dragging him into her mess?

There was also the fact she was betrothed to another. She’d never met Kade Drengr, but she still felt guilty betraying their betrothal. Yes, she’d had relationships during her time at university, been with men before, but nothing emotionally serious, knowing she was to marry another and bind her soul. For the last two years, she’d believed she’d never marry Kade. Yet now that she’d regained her flame, she could. But could she while her heart yearned for another?

The fireplace to the left crackled, the inn silent in the late hours. Eventually, Evelyn’s reeling thoughts succumbed to sleep, her tired and healing body’s need for rest winning out.

It did not last long.
