Page 35 of Restored

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“Are you going to see your little one?” Lyric asks, keeping her attention on Kasey.

“Yeah. I need to see that she’s okay,” Kasey says, her voice barely heard in the busy hallway of the labor and delivery floor.

“Good. Let’s get you there so you can see her. She’s so fucking cute. I can’t wait until more than the two of you can visit with her. I even volunteered for their baby buddy program. It’s mainly for the little ones who don’t have anyone to come in and see them, but I can visit with other babies too,” Lyric informs us, making Kasey smile for the first time since her water broke yesterday.

Kevlar and Lyric walk with us to the NICU. It’s on the same floor as labor and delivery but completely separate from this part of the floor. I push Kasey slowly through the hallway and stop just in front of the door leading into the NICU. We have to be let in by a nurse as I reach forward and push the little doorbell they have for parents coming to visit their babies. Rage comes over and hugs Kasey and whispers something to her. She nods her head in response before he pulls back and Keegan comes over to us. My parents aren’t far behind.

“Give her lots of love from us,” Keegan says with tears in her eyes. “I love you, Kasey. We’ll be right here waiting for you.”

“I love you, too,” she responds as a nurse opens the door for us.

We go through the routine of washing our hands and gowning up before we’re allowed further inside. Once we’re ready to go, the nurse leads us over to Bexley. She’s toward the front so it’s easy for everyone to see her. I push Kasey as close as I can get her in the wheelchair. The nurse steps in front of us and does something that lowers the little bed thing our daughter is currently in. It’s closed completely with holes we can stick our arms through to touch her. Looking down at her, she’s so damn tiny. Our boys were small, but nothing like this. My princess is the smallest baby I’ve ever seen in my life. She’s so fucking precious and strong as I help Kasey shift closer to she can get a good look at her.

A sob breaks free as she slides her hand through one of the holes with the nurse’s okay. I watch on as she runs her finger down our daughter’s tiny arm until she gets to her hand. Our little girl holds on to her mama’s finger and it brings a smile to my face. Kasey gasps and looks up at me with tears in her eyes and a smile on her face. I let Kasey take all the time she needs with our girl as the nurse talks to me and lets me know what’s been going on with her. Other than what Doc told us when she came in earlier, nothing has changed.

“Do you have a name for her?” the nurse asks, looking between Kasey and me.

“It’s Bexley Amora,” Kasey whispers as Bex continues to hold onto her finger.

Her little fingers look even smaller wrapped around Kasey’s pinky. She’s only wearing a diaper as a light shines down on her. There’s a blanket covered in pink teddy bears under her small body and the smallest hat covering her head. The small oxygen line helping Bexley breathe is taped to her cheek as her mouth opens and closes almost in a sucking motion. She’s fucking perfection and I don’t care what anyone says about her. This is my little princess and she’ll always be perfection in my eyes.

Kasey and I have spent all day in with Bexley. They don’t want too many people around her yet and our family members are more than okay with that. None of them want anything to happen to her. So they remain outside the NICU, looking in the glass at us and her. Rage is front and center as he watches his daughter become a mom all over again. He doesn’t take his eyes off us no matter who tries to talk to him or others coming and going from NICU. The nurses all comment on how dedicated him and my dad are to their family and I laugh because they have no clue how right they are.

When it’s time for us to leave, Kasey reaches in the bed one more time and runs her fingers gently down Bexley’s arm. She lets her hold her finger for a few seconds before pulling away from her. I take my turn doing the same thing. We leave the NICU and stop at the window with the rest of our family. I push Kasey up against the window between our dads. She slowly stands up and looks in the window at our girl.

“Melody and Lyric just ran down to get the boys. Quinn brought them up to spend some time with you,” Rage says softly as we keep our eyes locked on Bexley. “Did you guys pick a name for her?”

Kasey looks up at me and I smile at her. With a nod of her head, she tells me to let our family know her name.

“Everyone, I’d like you to meet Bexley Amora Greene,” I say, not taking my eyes off our little girl.

“That’s the perfect name for her,” Rage says, turning to press a soft kiss against Kasey’s temple.

“She’s such a strong little girl and I know she’s gonna thrive and continue to get stronger every fuckin’ day,” my dad says as he wraps an arm around Kasey. “Everyone else is at the clubhouse. They aren’t leavin’ tonight like they originally planned. No one wants to leave until they know everythin’ is okay. The ol’ ladies are settin’ up a schedule and people will be up here to watch over here and visit with you guys on a daily basis.”

“I’m not leavin’ her side. My granddaughter needs me and I refuse to leave,” Rage says, his voice leaving no room for anyone to argue with him.

“Mama,” Andrew calls out as I turn to see my mom and Lyric with our boys in their arms.

Kevlar is walking with them. His eyes are locked on Lyric holding Griffin. He’s cuddled up to her chest and snuggling his face into her neck. She’s holding him close and I can only imagine the thoughts going through Kevlar’s head right now. It takes no more than a second to know he’s found his girl. He’s as bad as Ricochet and rarely leaves Lyric’s side. Ricochet is the same with Paige. That’s the only reason he’s not here right now. Paige had to go to work and he went with her. When Kevlar looks up at me, I smirk at him only to watch a large smile spread across his face. Yeah, I know exactly what he’s fucking thinking right now. The man is gonna make Lyric his and fill her with his babies. That’s the only thought he’s got on his mind right now.

“Hey baby boy. Are you being good for everyone?” Kasey asks him as my mom steps up next to her.

Kasey leans over and gives him a kiss as he wraps his arms around her neck. They hold onto one another for a few minutes and I know my girl is crying again. Seeing our boys out here with us just makes it hit even harder that we can’t have our daughter with us. She’s exactly where she needs to be right now, but it doesn’t make this any easier. My mom steps back once Andrew lets go of his mom and Lyric steps forward with Griffin. Kasey takes him in her arms from her friend and holds him close letting more tears escape.

“Boys, do you wanna see your baby sister?” I ask, stepping up and putting my hand on Kasey’s shoulder as Keegan moves the wheelchair for me.

“Yay!” Andrew says, his voice washing over me as my mom starts laughing at him along with most everyone else surrounding us.

I lean my chin on Kasey’s shoulder and point to the little bed where Bexley is laying. “There she is. She’s a little small, but she’ll be out with us before you know it,” I tell them as a nurse wheels the bed over closer to us.

Andrew looks down at his sister while Griffin buries his face deeper into Kasey’s neck. He doesn’t want anything to do with what’s going on right now. His only concern is his mom. I’m okay with that. They’re both so young and can’t understand what’s going on and why Bexley isn’t with us. Andrew won’t remember getting to sit in the hospital bed with Kasey when Griffin was born and holding him with my help.

“Pretty,” Andrew whispers, resting his hand against the glass in front of him.

“She’s very pretty,” my dad agrees, ruffling Andrew’s hair.

We stand outside the NICU for a little longer before heading back to Kasey’s room. At the same time, my mom lets us know she’s going to take the boys home, get them dinner and ready for bed. Griffin doesn’t want to be here and is fussy as hell if Kasey isn’t holding him. He senses how upset she is and only wants her. Griffin is definitely a mama’s boy. We give our boys kisses goodbye and hold them close for a little bit before my mom and Skylar, who showed up not long ago, leave. Keegan walks back to the room with us and watches on as I help Kasey get back into bed. Once she’s settled, I turn on the TV and put the remote closer to her so she can find something to watch.
