Page 3 of Braking for Daddy

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We dragged him to the front door, ignoring his rant about how he was just getting to know the kid.

Before he left, we scanned his wristband to put him on a banned-member list. We didn’t have to do it too often, but there were a lot of assholes in the world who thought they could find someone to prey on and abuse in the kink community. As long as they called themselves a Dominant or a Daddy, they thought they had a license to be abusive.

We couldn’t stop them out in the wild, but we didn’t let people like that anywhere near our members.

Julian and Michael were in the lifestyle, and I’d heard that their nephew had recently started a relationship with a Daddy Dom himself. That made them even more concerned about the safety of anyone under their care.

After writing up a brief incident report, I went back into the playroom and looked around for Ducky. Unfortunately, he was already gone. When I asked about him, Brayden, one of the guys he had walked in with, said he decided to rideshare home.

“Are you sure he’ll be okay alone?” I didn’t like the idea of such a sweet boy in a car with a stranger after such a frightening situation.

Brayden held up his phone. “I’m tracking him, and he’s about a block from his apartment. He’s fine.”

I blew out a breath and nodded. “Thanks, kid. Let me know if you guys need anything else.”

Brayden glanced up at the stage and then back at me. “When are you gonna be up for bid, Daddy James?”

I chuckled. “Not today, kiddo. But I hope you meet someone you connect with.”

He smiled and gave me a side nod. “Yeah, I’m not counting on it, but it’s nice to dream.”

The rest of the event went well, and by the time I rolled out at midnight, I was dead on my feet. I was used to standing for eight or ten hours at a time, but I’d had a full shift before coming into Primal, so all I wanted to do was kick off my boots and get under a hot shower.

Unfortunately, that wasn’t in the plan for me.

As I approached the block with City Hall and the main library, the temporary fencing and porta potties reminded me of all the damn construction going on over there. They’d been renovating for two years, and it looked like exactly zero progress had happened in that time.

The only thing that looked like it ever changed on a daily basis was the amount of debris in the road. It seemed to collect out of nowhere. Even from my seated position in my truck, I saw nails, screws, and gravel throughout the street.

I turned onto 17th to find a better route and immediately heard the telltale sound of a flat tire. “Motherfucker.”

I was exhausted and didn’t want to deal with a tow truck and didn’t have a jack to fix it myself. But I also didn’t want to ruin my rim by trying to make it all the way home. Without any other options, I rolled to a stop in a parking lot and called for a rideshare.

I’d come back with a tow truck in the morning to deal with this.

Tonight… Bathtime was the best time.



I climbed into bed with Zeke, my squishy, and curled him to my chest.

The night had been mostly a disaster, but not one hundred percent. It was cool to be in the playroom at Primal and see how free the Littles were to just regress and play. They were like little boys out to have some fun. I could only slightly relate to that, but it was really fun to watch.

Brayden had decided on footie pajamas and seeing him giggle and color with his friends while they watched the auction gave me hope that maybe I could be happy like that someday. Maybe I did have a match out there somewhere. Although, that match was definitely not up for auction. At least, not before I ducked out.

After I found out I didn’t have to pay for the bid myself, I considered placing a bid if anyone caught my attention. But when that scary guy got a little too handsy, I just wanted to go home. The only thing that would’ve kept me there is if the hot security guard had come right back.

Part of me wanted him to pull me against his chest and ask if I was okay.

I wanted him to tell me I was okay because he was there and would keep me safe.

But he was busy and only there to do his job.

And I understood that.

We all had a job to do. And since mine started at seven in the morning, I needed to get to sleep. I rubbed the soft velvet of Zeke’s ears across my jaw and eventually passed out.
