Page 86 of End of Night

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He smiled and kissed her again. “You’re perfect, you know that?”

She laughed. “I am far from perfect, but you are about to taste the world’s most amazing ham sandwich.”

“Is that right?” he said with a laugh as she climbed off his lap.

“Honey, this sandwich is about to change your life,” she said.

“A life-changing sandwich, huh?” He followed her out of the bedroom, and she grinned at him over her shoulder.

“I’m more than just a pretty face, Boone Jameson.”

He purred to her, and she took his hand and led him to the kitchen.

* * *

“You know, you don’t have to keep cooking me breakfast.” Hedra slipped her arms around Boone’s waist and kissed his throat. “Morning.”

“Morning, little lamb. Did you sleep okay?” Boone flipped the pancake.

“You gave me three orgasms last night, and you’re asking if I slept okay,” Hedra said.

“True, but I woke you in the middle of the night to give you those orgasms, and our relationship is too new for me to know if waking you up means you won’t fall back asleep again,” Boone said. “Some people love orgasms but not middle-of-the-night orgasms.”

“I love orgasms whenever,” Hedra said. “Except maybe on an airplane.”

“Don’t knock it until you’ve tried it,” Boone said.

“I have,” Hedra said. “He didn’t lock the bathroom door properly, and it popped open, and we fell out, and the first seven rows got to see my naked ass.”

Boone laughed. “Are you serious?”

“Sadly, yes,” Hedra stole a piece of bacon from the plate on the counter and bit into it. “Honestly, though, I do know how to cook.”

“I know,” he said. “I like to cook. I did all of the cooking when Derek and I lived together.”

“Well, in that case, I won’t mention it again,” Hedra grinned. “Because while I can cook, I most certainly do not enjoy cooking.”

“I’m glad to be doing it,” Boone said. “After Derek died, I stopped cooking. Partially because I was grieving and my appetite had gone to shit, but also because cooking for one was too fucking depressing. Until Nan broke her hip and moved in, I basically lived on raw meat and coffee.”

She made a face, and he nuzzled her throat. “I like having a reason to cook again, little lamb, so let me.”

She squeezed his waist and snagged another piece of bacon. “No complaints from me.”

As Boone slid the pancakes onto a plate and poured more batter into the hot pan, Hedra admired the flex of his biceps before trailing one finger along his ass. “So, I’m not sure what you had planned for this morning, but what do you say we go back to bed after breakfast?”

“Pancakes and sex is the perfect Saturday morning. I am one thousand percent in,” Boone said before glancing at her. “My eagerness is super sexy and not pathetic, right?”

She laughed and squeezed his butt. “Very super sexy, actually. I don’t like guessing games with my partners. There is something not sexy that I want to talk to you about, though.”

“What’s that?” Boone flipped the pancakes.

“Your nan is more mobile now, and she only has two more physical therapy appointments. Pretty sure she’s ready to move back into her own home.”

“Yeah, you’re right,” Boone said. “She told me on Thursday that she’s planning on moving back home at the end of next week. I should have told you immediately, but I was messed up with the anniversary and -”

“I know, it’s fine. It’s not anything unexpected and, honestly, I started job searching last week,” Hedra said. “But I did want to talk to you about the possibility of me staying here until the end of the month, even if I’m no longer Althea’s nurse. I found two apartments in my price range, but neither are available until the first of next month. But I can rent a hotel room for a few weeks, so don’t feel obligated to say yes.”

“Of course you can stay here.” Boone’s body had stiffened, and she rubbed his back.
