Page 50 of Dark of Night

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Show him she’s ours. Kiss her. Mark her.

Can you do me a favour and please stop talking?

Wes never thought the day would come where he’d be pleading with his lion to shut the fuck up. His lion had said more in the last fifteen minutes than he’d said in the previous two years. And while Wes was happy that his lion was coming out of his depression, if he didn’t stop pushing Wes to mark Eleanor, Wes was gonna fucking lose it.

The cheetah wants what’s ours!

She’s not ours, and you have to stop thinking she is. It’s fine if Chase is attracted to Eleanor – his lion’s angry growl reverberated in Wes’s head, making him wince - and it’s fine if Eleanor is attracted to him.

Shit, that was the wrong thing to say. His lion was working himself up into an absolute frenzy and pushing for control.

Sweating with the effort to hold back his lion, Wes tried to soothe him. She’s not attracted to him. You know she isn’t.

That, thank fucking God, was the truth. If Eleanor lusted after Chase… Wes wouldn’t be able to contain his lion.

Mark her! Mark her right now, his lion demanded.


“Wes?” Eleanor rested her hand on his forearm, and his lion immediately calmed. Wes took a deep breath and tried to act normal.


“What’s wrong with your lion?”

“Nothing. Why?”

She shrugged. “I don’t know. I feel like he’s upset.”

“He isn’t. He’s fine. We’re fine.” He forced himself to smile at her before looking across the table at Cooper.

“Thanks, Lusa. Yeah, it’s not a problem. No, just tell Mr. Morrison that you’ll be there at three to set up his system.” Cooper set down his phone. “Sorry about that. So, Chase is going to hang out with Eleanor here at your place this afternoon.”

“Why? I’m right here,” Wes said.

“Yeah, about that,” Cooper said. “Alanna Robertson called the office.”

Wes groaned, and Eleanor glanced at him. “Who’s Alanna Robertson?”

“About a thousand-year-old leopard shifter,” Chase said. “With a huge crush on Wes.”

Eleanor grinned. “Really?”

“She’s also one of our best clients,” Cooper said.

“And wealthiest,” Chase added.

“She has an appointment this afternoon that she’d like you to attend with her,” Cooper said. “She’s convinced her granddaughter has put a hit out on her again.”

“Send Chase or Grayson,” Wes said. “She’s not in any danger. Her granddaughter has never put a hit out on her, Cooper.”

“I know that, and you know that. Hell, deep down, Alanna knows that too. But she likes the excitement of believing that she’s in danger.”

“She’s wasting her money,” Wes said.

Chase snorted. “The lady probably has a swimming pool full of cash.”
