Page 55 of Dark of Night

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“Ryan,” Hedra said faintly. “I’m calling you Ryan because you asked me to call you Ryan.”

Eleanor and Daisy both laughed as Hedra groaned and finally released Ryan’s hand. “Oh my God, I’m an idiot.”

“You’re not,” Ryan said. “I’m glad you liked the show.”

“I love your photography too,” Hedra said. “I loved the pic you put up on Instagram yesterday. The use of light and shadow was amazing.”

“Well, you’ve just become my favourite person in the whole world,” Ryan said with a grin as Boone’s grandmother waved impatiently at Hedra.

“Please excuse me,” Hedra said. “I need to check on Mrs. Jameson.”

“I’ll come with,” Ryan said.

“You sure you want to?” Daisy lowered her voice. “When I met her earlier, she told me that I smelled funny.”

“Oh, she sounds like fun.” Ryan linked her arm around Hedra’s arm, and Eleanor wasn’t sure if Hedra was about to laugh or cry.

The two women walked away, and Daisy smiled at Eleanor. “So, everything went smoothly this afternoon?”

“Yes. Chase and I took a quick trip to my place – don’t tell Wes - and I picked up some more clothes, and then we watched movies at Wes’s house until we came here.”

“Hedra’s right, you know. Chase does think you’re cute,” Daisy said.

“He was perfectly professional the whole afternoon,” Eleanor said.

“One - there’s a very strict ‘no sleeping with the client’ rule, and two – Chase takes his work seriously, so of course he would be a complete professional. It’s not because he isn’t into you.”

“I’m not interested in him,” Eleanor said.

“Because you’re interested in Wes.”

“Sadly, yes. Even though he’s made it clear that we can’t sleep together because he says he’s too old for me.”

“Ridiculous,” Daisy snorted. “Age is just a number, and besides, it’s so obvious how much he likes you.”

“You’re preaching to the choir, girl,” Eleanor said. “But I don’t know how to get him to change his mind.”

“I think that dress you’re wearing is a good start,” Daisy said with a smile. “Your legs look amazing.”

“Thanks,” Eleanor said. She studied Wes, who clinked a shot glass of amber liquid against Boone’s shot glass. “Would it make me a horrible person if I deliberately try to seduce Wes tonight? Because I think it might, but I am dying over here.”

“I’m sorry. I don’t have an answer for you,” Daisy said.

“It’s fine. Although, I kind of wish I’d grabbed my vibrator this afternoon too.”

Daisy laughed, and Eleanor said, “Sorry, that’s too much information. Hey, could I stay with you and Cooper again? I brought my stuff with me. If it’s too much trouble, I understand.”

“Of course you can,” Daisy said. “But are you sure that’s what you want?”

“Nope, it isn’t. But if I go home with Wes, I’ll do something stupid like try to convince him to have sex with me, and that’s a real dick move, right? So, it’s better if I stay here.”

“All right,” Daisy said. “Come on, let’s go to the kitchen and get some food. You haven’t eaten anything all night.”

* * *

“Happy Birthday, Wesley.”

“Thank you, Nan.” Wes sat down and kissed Boone’s grandmother on the cheek. “You’re looking beautiful tonight.”
